34 • Pup Wars

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"Ready to go on? 3, 2, 1," a woman said to Lizzie, who was now backstage at the Jimmy Fallon show with Stella by her side.

Lizzie took a deep breath, her heart racing with excitement and a hint of nervousness. Stella squeezed her hand reassuringly as Lizzie prepared to step into the spotlight. The countdown was on, and they were about to share their story with the world.

"Please welcome the one and only, the wonderful Elizabeth Olsen!" Jimmy Fallon announced enthusiastically, and the crowd erupted in cheers and applause. Lizzie stepped onto the stage, her smile radiant as she acknowledged the audience's excitement. Stella remained backstage, watching Lizzie on a screen, her heart swelling with pride for her girlfriend.

Jimmy extended a warm greeting as Lizzie settled into the guest's seat. "Lizzie, it's great to have you back on the show. How are you doing?" he inquired, his voice friendly and inviting.

"I'm good, Jimmy, thanks for having me," Lizzie replied politely, her professionalism evident as always.

Jimmy glanced at his cue cards, then back at Lizzie. "Now, I understand you're here to..."

Lizzie leaned forward with a grin, ready to dive into the topic at hand. "Yes, Jimmy, I'm here to set the record straight and talk about some recent developments in my life." The audience fell silent, hanging on to her every word as the interview began. "I think I should start off by saying that I have a stunning girlfriend, and her name is Stella," Lizzie announced, her voice filled with genuine pride and affection.

The audience erupted into cheers and applause at Lizzie's heartfelt declaration. She smiled, acknowledging their response, before continuing.

"We've been together for a while now, but it wasn't until recently that our relationship was made public. I want to address this because I've always been very open with my fans, and I don't want to hide anything," Lizzie explained, her sincerity evident. "Yes, I was married before, and that marriage had its challenges. But life is unpredictable, and sometimes, you find love where you least expect it."

She paused, gathering her thoughts, and Jimmy nodded in understanding.

"Losing love is never easy, and there are no winners in such situations," Lizzie continued. "I never cheated on anyone, and neither did Stella. We're both here today, being honest with all of you, because it's time to set the record straight. Love is a beautiful thing, and when you find it, you should hold onto it with everything you've got."

Jimmy nodded, clearly moved by Lizzie's words. "That's a very honest and brave statement, Lizzie," he commented.

Lizzie smiled, feeling a sense of relief. "Thank you, Jimmy. I just want everyone to know that we're happy, and we're not going to let anyone's opinions or judgments stand in the way of that happiness."

The audience broke into applause again, showing their support for Lizzie and Stella.

Backstage, Stella watched Lizzie with pride as she confidently addressed the audience and Jimmy Fallon. Seeing her girlfriend stand up for their love filled her heart with warmth.

Jimmy, sensing the need to lighten the mood, leaned in and asked with a grin, "So, Lizzie, tell me, what's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you on set?"

Lizzie chuckled, grateful for the change of pace. "Oh, there have been a few memorable moments," she admitted. "But I think the time I tripped over a cable during a crucial scene in front of the entire crew and cast was the most embarrassing. I mean, it's hard to act cool and collected when you're sprawled on the floor."

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