vii. the prophecy child

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chapter seven

tw: heartbreak & passing out 

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Clara held her basket in her hands as she walked across the apple orchard, the fresh smell of the ripened balls of deliciousness in her nose and the brisk breeze of a cold winter morning painting her cheeky rosy-red and lips almost blue. Hearing the movement of her leather gloves, keeping her finger tips warm and toasty, Clara tilted her chin up to look above at the trees filled with gorgeous red apples. She wondered why they were so red at this time of year, they don't normally show until the spring but this year; they're gorgeous and bright and she can't wait to get her teeth into them. 

In the distant, Nik was bickering with Elijah and Rebekah about nothing all that particular. Clara simply drowned it out as they made their way threw the dew-brushed grass shards, her ears have gotten used to the trio of siblings bickering about the smallest things -- especially Nik and Rebekah. 

"Niklaus, the apple is green, not ready for picking." Elijah huffed, angrily rolling his eyes as they walked towards the Salvatore girl who picked a gorgeous plump red apple, "Are you colourblind or something?" 

Clara simply ignored them, carrying on to filling up her basket with the beautiful apples that she'd eat later; perhaps bake into an apple and blackberry pie -- she can see some blackberry bushes in the distance. Her ears perked up when she heard a small bird tweeting down on the floor, Clara's dark but wonder filled eyes turned to find the small little robin nestled in the cold grass. She dipped to her knees, setting her basket down beside her and scooping up the baby bird into her warm palms.

"Oh, sweetie, you must be so cold.", The bird tweeted in response, it was shivering in her hands. Clara made a tsk sound, turning her head up to the trees to see if there was a nest anywhere amongst the frost-licked leaves, "Where has your family gotten to, sweetie?" Cupping the bird calmly in her hand, she stood up back onto her feet, looking around before finally spotting the nest hidden in the corner a thick branch. "Nik, will you give me a boost?"

He just nodded, crouching down so she could perch on top of his shoulders. Nik made a face when her dress covered his hair and he looked much like a nun, Elijah and Rebekah just snickered at his displeased expression but Clara was only interested in taking care of the baby bird. Tenderly rubbing her thumb over his small head, she reaches as high as she can to put him in the nest. Biting her tongue in the corner of her mouth, she places the little bird into the nest with his two siblings and the momma bird who poked her head out when Clara's face came into view. She tweeted in response to her gifting the baby back, "No problem." The woman smiled, pulling a small packet of seeds out of her pocket that she brought to snack on and placed a couple into the nest for them to eat, the momma bird tweeted again and let her babies go and eat up the pile of seeds. 

𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐃𝐎 , s.rogersWhere stories live. Discover now