xxvii. jump then fall

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chapter twenty-seven

tw: brock rumlow & clara being a badass

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When Steve said, let's take up running; Clara did not expect herself to actually enjoy it because of how fast he is and the fact she's out of breath by just climbing the staircase to their apartment which she swears go on forever. But as they slip their running shoes on and head into the centre of the city, she realises that she doesn't hate running and she can keep up with the massive super solider because she has her own serum that heightens her abilities just like him. 

"Hurry up, old man!" She giggles, looking back at Steve as he trails behind her, really not trying that hard to beat Clara because he's enjoying watching her have fun. A playful smile forms on the Captains face when he picks up speed and dashes past her. 

Clara gasps, "Keep up, old lady!" He cackles leaping onto the pathway over the bridge that runs threw the city. The bushy haired brunette would've stopped to take a picture of the sunrise and how gorgeous it is with the gradient of peach into blue and the reflection in the river with the monument and just... just how gorgeous the sky is but she's to busy trying to catch up with him, "On your left." Steve tells a man who is simply jogging, he looks at Steve and then at Clara when she says.

"On your right." And follows after her boyfriend, zipping past the man jogging. He picks up speed a little when they pass but the two super-soldiers are much to fast for him. 

They seem to take a different route to the man, although neither are paying too much attention, having a laugh as they try to catch up with each other racing down the path. Passing by the Lincoln Memorial, Clara spots the same man again still jogging at the same pace, Steve passes him first, "On your left." He repeats, a playful smirk on his face when he looks back at Clara. 

"On your right!" She yells, bounding past him like a horse as she picks up speed again to catch Steve, "I'm gonna shove you in the river, Steve! Stop being such a dick!" He just grins, looking back at her. Clara bares her teeth, giving him a small shove as she passes him, holding up her middle fingers at him, "Keep up, saggy ass!" 

𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐃𝐎 , s.rogersWhere stories live. Discover now