xxvi. 'tis the damn season

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chapter twenty-six

tw: stara being adorable 

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Clara Parker peeled her eyes open to the loud sound of pans clattering down the hall. It took her a moment to realise where she was, there's no longer a heavy arm laid across her abdomen or a warm figure beside her from what she remembered from the previous night. Fear twinged in her heart, she wondered if someone could've broken into their apartment. 

Slowly slipped out from beneath the warm covers, Clara reaches under the bed for the metal bat she'd purchased a few months ago. Curling her scarred fingers around the bottom, she slowly and silently makes her way from the bedroom at the end of the hall, in nothing but a huge shirt and oversized fluffy socks. Her dark curly hair was pushed behind her ears as Parker walked the silent halls, the banging getting louder and the sound of PG cursing echoed in the air. With an angered sigh, she drops the bat against the wooden floor making Steve Rogers yelp out like a child, jumping around to see who made the slam. His girlfriend stands there, staring at him in disbelief. 

"You woke me up, you imbecile!" She yelled, swinging the bat at Steve. A smile just spreads on his face as he attempts to cover himself, whilst she yells Russian curse words at him. The bat hitting him is barely a tap, but he still smiles, even though she's shouting at him. 

If there's one thing you learn about living with Clara Parker, it's that she is not a morning person. Steve knows that very well, every time he wakes her up even a second before nine o'clock, he's brutally attacked and what freaks a disorientated Clara out even more is that he just smiles and laughs. Every single time she's shouting or hitting him for being an imbecile, she's just smiling and it's weird. 

The twenty three year old eventually lays off him, letting out a breath and examining what exactly he was doing banging around in the kitchen. Her face contorts in horror when she sees he was trying to cook her something for breakfast; they often just go to the cart outside of work but since it's their day off he's treating her to one of his omelet's that's just overcooked egg and too many chives. Clara lets out a small sigh, "I like the effort, but just no, Steve." She shakes her head, walking up towards him. 

𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐃𝐎 , s.rogersWhere stories live. Discover now