First meeting

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*3 weeks later*

USJ attack

The black portal apeard. Kurogiri and Jamina got out. They looked at all the heroes and their teacher.

Jamina: Ok Giri, which one is the most powerful of them?

Kurogiri: I don't know, you should ask them, after all, this was your ideea.


She shouted to the children. They all looked at her like she was crazy. A boy wearing some grenades in his hand got out of the group.

Bakugo: I am the most powerful one, and you should beg for forgiveness!

Jamina just chuckled slowly, finding the boy funny.

Jamina: Ok, teleport us!

She started running for him, and underneath them started to apear a portal.

Jamina: Wait...where are you teleporting us?

Kurogiri: In the lake.


They fell through the portal. Jamina could swim, but she didn't think he could. And she was right. When they slammed the water, they had sunken almost to the botom. Bakugo was dragged down by the grenades, and when he tried to fight, he just started losing air. Jamina noticed and rushed to him. She was only there to keep him away from the others, not fight him, or worse, kill him. She could swim underwater, so she didn't needed air. But it looked like Bakugo needed that air. He was literally drowning. Jamina grabbed him by the arms, so he stopped moving. Then, she kissed him hard, giving him her oxigen. She didn't had any other choice. Then she grabbed him by the back and swam to the surface. The first thing that Jamina did when she got out was to spit all the wather that was in her lungs. Then she turned to Bakugo that was trying to come back from the shock.

Jamina: Are you ok? I forgot to tell Giri not to teleport us to water...and sorry about what happened underwater, I had to give you some air...are you ok-


Jamina looked at the boy a bit shocked. While he was getting up and pointing his gun at her head.

Bakugo: What in the world were you thinking!?

Jamina: I-I just wanted to keep you away from the rest, so no one gets hurt. We aren't here to kill you; we are here so that Shigaraki can talk to All Might...

She tried getting closer to him, but he just loaded his weapon.

Bakugo: No, you aren't...

Jamina: Wait, please, let me explain!

She got closer to him, and he started creating small sparkles.

Bakugo: Stay away from me you- you abnormal-you villain...YOU MONSTER!

For Jamina, this word felt like a knife in her throat. Tears started leaking from her eyes, while she smiled.

Jamina: Heh...he was right...they were all right...I shoudn't be here...this was a mistake...

She started hyperventilating.

Jamina*crying *: He was right *sob* i-I am a m-monster...t-this is what you get when you save people...*sob* heh...I have to go back...

She ignored the fact that Bakugo was pointing at her head. Suddenly, a portal appeared under them. Bakugo landed near All Might and Jamina next to Shigaraki. When she hit the ground, a small shokwave was thrown, making everyone look at her.

Shigaraki: Hey, what happened?

Jamina*crying*: Y-you were right! Im s-sory! *sob*

She then hugged her shoulders, bent down and started screaming. It was so powerful that it moved the ground a bit. She stayed in silence before getting up and going behind Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: You see, All Might, sometimes, true intentions are mistaken for acts of crime...what a cruel world...and you, heroes, are so ignorant when it comes to other people-s feelings...

Shoto was not in a good mode. His father was angry at him, and he didn't knew how to handle stress. So, when he saw that idiot talking shit about his teacher, he got angry. He created an ice spike and pointed to Shigaraki, then he shot. Jamina saw the spike quiker than everyone, so she knew what she had to do. In a blink of a second, she put herself In front of Shigaraki and the spike pierced her ribs, getting on the other side. Everyone was left in shock, while Jamina bent down and spit some blood. Then, with a calm smile on her face, she grabbed the spike and got it out of her ribs. With the same smile, she threw the spike to Shoto's legs, the icy spear painting the ground in front of him, with a crimson color.

Jamina*weak tone*: Heh...I think y-you droped this...

She coughed more blood and her legs got weaker, nearly colapsing.

Jamina: I never chose to be this way, and you, heroes, who are supposed to understand us, you ataked me first, without thinking...and even after I saved you...IM still THE MONSTER?

She looked at Bakugo with a sad look, and then her legs let her, and she collapsed. Shigaraki cought her, making sure he dosen't decenegrate her. Then he got up, looked one more time at the heroes and disappeared into the portal. Bakugo was still looking at the blood that started to get lost in the soil.

AN: Hope you like the story so far! Dark out!

845 words

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