Fight (pt 1)

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DISCLAMER: The following story contains graphic violence content. Please proceed with caution!

We arrived at an old hotel, and we entered. The inside was extremely luxurious. Golden chairs and white marble, crystal glasses and everything. We took four rooms. One for Endeavour, All Might, Ochako and Deku, and finally, one for us. We had to go as fast as we could, so we would not lose our 'fake' ticket.

Jamina guided us under the hotel, through some tunnels.

", before we go inside...I have to ask you a favor. Please cover your eyes when I go inside. Please. I don't want you to see me get my own bones impaled in my chest-"

"QUIT TALKING! We're losing time!" Endeavour grabbed her by the arm and swung open the door and tossed her inside. Then he pushed us into a room with a long window. Inside, a tall, fat man was waiting for us amongst some other people.

"Welcome! Welcome to the Arena! Guys, meet our new friend! Mr. Deavour!"

The fat man continued to present the others, but my eyes were stuck on the huge metal cage surrounded by lights and other people.

"Ok! Hope you are ready! WELCOME ALLL!" the presenter yelled in the microphone "we have an old friend around uss! Give a long applause for JAMINAAA!" All the lights shined on her. She just shook her head and stared at the other one. "And her adversary is number 2 from Purple team!"

The boy had some metal shoes with purple lights. He also had metal gloves with claws. A bell started ringing ang both of them lunged forward.

He activated the emitters on his shoes and sprung towards her. The walls around him blurred as he flew towards his target at incredible speed, barely giving her time to widen her eyes before the boy crashed into her, knocking the girl down. But she turned around and locked her own claws on his, blasting him away from her, not before a powerful jab at his shoulder. The crowd cheered for her, and she turned around, expecting it to be over. But it was not. The boy extracted a syringe from his pocket and inserted it in his shoulder.

With a blast of energy, Jamina was sent into the metal cage, deforming the bars and a low crack could be heard. Now the boy had almost his entire body covered in pieces of metal. He was smiling.

Two sharp spears stabbed her body. The sound of blood splashing down was more than enough to point out how powerful he now was. Jamina plunged out the metal and absorbed it into her wounds. But the boy's smile only grew bigger. 'Oh shit!' she thought as her body started to tremble.

She screamed in pain when multiple knives emerged from her skin. She tried jumping, but the metal inside her body was keeping her in place.

"You...idiot! You are not allowed to use those power amplifier!"

"What, you mean these?" the boy took out another syringe and injected it again. Her eyes grew wider, and she tried harder to free herself.

A loud, horrible sound made the entire crowd get silent. A ripping sound of bones and flesh. The scream first came small but escalated into an absolute howl of pain as the boy grabbed her hand and started twisting it on her back. The bone broke and she fell on one knee.

"Well, it was really fun fighting with you" he said in her ear, pulling her head back "but in the are still the same pathetic experiment"

Her pupils sharpened in pain when a hand was placed on her back. And she was scared. Because the touch was calm. Almost caring. But she was expecting it.

A hand was pushed through her skin, ribs, organs and cracked out from her chest. She was standing there alone in the middle of the arena, with a hand stabbing her chest, blood already starting to drip down. She winced when he twisted it, her ribs breaking, one by one. It seemed over for her.

The boy shook his hand, and she was left with a huge hole in her chest, somewhere under the heart. The boy turned around and was ready to leave, but she suddenly jumped up in the air and spun around, hitting him hard with her knee in his head. The blast was powerful, and he was thrown out of the cage, breaking open the metal bars.


The crowd cheered and she quickly ran out of there, grabbing the money from bets and waving at the crowd, before speeding up to our room.

AN: That was a really challenging chapter to write!

778 words

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