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They contained ancient symbols and words. Bakugo didn't knew what they meant but continued searching. After some time, he started finding words. All the surface of the paper was written with the same word. SHUT UP. That was all. SHUT UP. No other words. He continued searching, finding more, full of the same words. The letters were written fast and deformed. Other papers had GO AWAY. LEAVE ME ALONE. PLEASE. I'LL KILL YOU. STAY BACK. SHUT UP. And so on. Also, he remembered that weird day when it happened.


They were staying on the floor, it was exhausting going like that from villain to villain, interrogating and finding secrets about hideouts and so on. Suddenly, Jamina shivered and said with a loud tone

Jamina: Shut up!

Bakugo: What?

Jamina: Oh! Sorry, did I say that out loud?

Bakugo: Is...Akapro talking in your head?

Jamina: *sigh* When I'm exhausted he starts taking control of my thoughts and I have to respond to him sometimes...sorry...

Bakugo: You don't have to apologise danmit! You can sleep now; I'll wake you up when we have to go.

Jamina: Thank you...


So that was it! He had to talk with her. He opened the window and jumped outside. He flew around until he found an abandoned barn. He entered it and found a pile of metal pieces. Near them was Jamina.

Bakugo: Jamnia. Listen to me.

She turned around and smiled.

Jamina: Your friend is not coming back...you should go before I kill you.

Bakugo: I know you are in there. Listen to my voice.

She snarled and jumped like a panther, trying to scratch him. He grabbed her by the neck and smashed her face in the ground.

Bakugo: I am not hurting her! Jamina! Snap out of it!


She opened her mouth trying to bite him, but he kept her on the ground.

Bakugo: I know Jamina is in there. Do you remember when we went to a field, and you found gold? And you gave it to us? I still have that bag of gold. Jamina, you wanted to say something to me...what is it?

Her eye started twitching and her pupil became normal again.

Jamina: B-Bakugo...p-lease...g-go away! Leave me!

She opened her mouth and wailed, while tears pooled down. Her eye became x again, then shifted back to a line again. Suddenly, she smashed him against a wall and opened her mouth, showing her canines. She made a quick move and stopped right near his neck. So close that Bakugo could feel the warm air. But she stopped. Bakugo looked at her and saw her crying.

Jamina: W-why! Why would you help a monster like me?

He exhaled and she let him go, the black color disappearing. She fell down to her knees and clenched her claws around her head. He knelt down to her and hugged her close.

Bakugo: Shut up, damnit. You are not a monster. You are my friend. How many times do I have to tell you?

She sniffed and didn't let go of him. He carcased her back, until he felt something wrong. He looked down and discovered that he had blood on his hand.

Bakugo: That's enough. You are telling me right now what happened to you.

Jamina: Right now?

Bakugo: Tch! Fine! When we get back.

She laughed and let him go. They both got up.


After I finished calming her, we were about to leave, when I noticed that she was so exhausted that she barely managed to get on her feet. So, I picked her up.

Jamina: Are you sure? I mean...I can fly-

Bakugo: No. You are going with me.

I exploded and flew around the city. She smiled and closed her eyes, leting the night air pass through her lungs. I then realized something important. She was a free spirit. And the heroes had no control over her. She was not ment to be kept in a cage. She was supposed to be free. I exhaled and landed in our room. Deku and Shoto were happy to see that she was ok.

Jamina: Endeavour will know in a few minutes till then...I'll go and patch myself up.

She entered the bathroom and closed the door. Bakugo stayed a bit in his room and changed his suit to a black t-shirt with a skull. Deku was writing and Shoto was discussing with Momo. I was alone. I approached the bathroom and heard small whimpers. I inhaled and opened the door.

Jamina: N-no! Don't look at me!

She was on the floor, in a huge puddle of blood. Her costume was ripped around her arm. She tried hiding it, but I saw her. The scars that she had on her hand.

AN: Hi, i hope you like my story so far! I am currently working on another fanfic, so wish me luck! (don't worry, this story will continue)

800 words

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