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*action takes place in movie World Heroes*

*Bakugo's POV *

This was bad. I couldn't move. We were exausted.

Nine: So, really think you have a chance against me?

Deku: Yes, we will defeat you!

The villain chuckled.

Nine: So...its two against one...lets change that, shall we?

With a thump, a shadowy figure appeared in front of him. It had a device mask on its face, long black claws, and two big metal wings. I could swear I knew them somewhere else. I got up and approached it. The figure looked a bit at me, and then gasped.

Jamina: B-bakugo?

Bakugo: Jamina?

Jamina: Bakugo!

Her mask retreated, a piece of it remaining on her right eye. She ran and embraced me, like she was afraid I might disapear. The bad guy was amazed to see his weapon hug the heroes, so he shot in the air.

Nine: Jamina, I think its time to kill the heroes and bring me the child!

She looked at him disinterested.

Jamina: Shigaraki's orders were to come with you and help you get here, not kill some children. So, NO! You can find someone else to control.

She turned to him, and her wings stretched. Her claws became bigger, and her eye became a dark shade of red. When I took a closer look, I noticed that even her canine was sharper. She jumped at him, with incontrolable speed. She dodged some lasers and maneges to scratch his shoulder. But she was quikly overpowered. She was thrown backwards, and a crack could be heard. Even thou there was blood running through her mouth and on her back, she got up.

Nine: Stop this nonsense, you can't possibly want to become a hero! You are a MONSTER!

When she got up, there was anger in her eyes. But she wispered so me and Deku were the only one that heard her.

Jamina*whispering*: When I say now, you atack him!

She opened her wings that were already bleeding and jumped in the air. She atacked him and than shouted NOW! Deku smashed the air and I started to create explosions. He figured what we were doing but, instead of pointing to us, he shot the kids.

*Jamina's POV*

I saw the laser, and knew what I had to do. For the third time in my life, I put myself in front of the kids and the laser pierced my chest, right in the ribs.


I screamed in anger and raised my hand, sending some metal spears for him. He dodged and nearly crushed the heroes. I was on the ground looking at my friends that were bleeding. Nine aproached me. I maneged to stand up, but he just shot me again in the leg. I winced in pain and raised my hands, protecting the children that were behind me.

Nine: Wow...a vilain protecting heroes...that's new...

I looked at his heart and concentrated on his ilness. I maneged to break one blood vessel. He took a shanky breath and fell to his knees. The red haired girl came quikly, but I maneged to grab the kids, while Ochako and Asui took Deku and Bakugo. I ran inside the hideout and placed the kids on a couch. Ochako and the rest arrived and the two heroes were put on some matreses.

Ochako: Jamina?! Is that really you?

I forced a weak smile.

Jamina: Yea...hi...

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