The Ringmaster

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Some days later, Endeavour called us out.

Endeavour: Ok, listen up, we have found the hideout of a vilain!

All of the room went silent. He opened some devices and showed us a screen

Endeavour: This. He goes by the name of 'Ring master'. From anonymous sources, we found out that he has some kind of meeting in which all cool villains show up and make bets.

In the room were only All Might, Hawks, Miriko, Deku, Shoto and I. next to us, on a shelf was staying Jamina. She usually avoided crowded places and preferred to stay somewhere away from the other heroes. I took a moment to look at her. She had one of her knees close to her chest and her hand was resting on it. Her face was half buried in her arm. She was truly awesome. But the moment she heard Endeavour talking, one of her eyes shot open.

Jamina: Wrong.

The others looked at her.

Jamina: Oh god, why am I even trying?!

She jumped down, maintaining her position only on her tiptoes. She approached the desk.

Jamina: No, that is not how it works. And clearly that 'anonymous person' was a fool and brought you the wrong crap...(she glanced quickly at Hawks). Allow me.

She pressed her hand on the desk, with her claws spread open and the images shifted.


A dark room. Jamina was patching her arm. Behind her a door opened, and Luke entered. A small light bulb was on the ceiling.

In the room was a large number of unsealed bottles, all containing alcohol. She turned around and saw Luke.

But there was something different. Luke was not smiling. He was sad, his eyes with dark circles and a small scratch on one of his hands.

Luke: Let me...h-help you...

She looked straight in his eyes. And then turned around. He came quickly at her and ripped open her bandages. Her back was littered with scars.

Luke: I...I have to clean it...

He grabbed one of the bottles and opened it, pouring the alcohol on her back. She whined and bent down while the clear liquid was sizzling on her skin, fresh blood leaking down.

Luke: Dose it hurt?

And, out of the blue, just like that...she started laughing. Hard. Her head was thrown back, pointy fangs shining.

Jamina: Ha ha! Hahaha-

Black tears spilled down from her eyes, and she continued to laugh, her tone getting higher and higher, until I was not sure if she was laughing, wailing, or screaming. Or maybe she was doing it all at the same time.

Jamina: YOU FUKING IDIOT! *waves of laughing* You really think I don't know the reason for your sudden change of heart?! Ha! Don't make me laugh!

And with that she started again, only this time, her feet left her, and she fell to the ground, laughing, with her entire body convulsing.

But gradually, she came to a stop and quickly jolted up, pushing Luke away from her.

Jamina: What do you wish from me? Isn't this what you wanted?

His eyes darted down.

Jamina: Look AT ME, YOU IDIOT! Isn't this what you always dreamed of?! Me, getting killed in the arena? And you getting promoted? ANSWER ME! Isn't this why you tormented me all those years ago?! LOOK AT ME!

He raised his head, his eyes tracing hers.

Jamina: You broke all of my bones in multiple places. If the boss wouldn't have used eternium, than I would already be dead. You did it. No one else. It was your choice to come every day in my 'room' and beat the crap out of me. Now my body is slowly losing it. And that is why today, I will lose this battle. SO WHY?! WHY CARE ABOUT ME AFTER ALL THE PAIN, YOU PUT ME TROUGH?!

His eyes slowly started to tear up.

Luke: lose...boss will have to give someone to the Ringmaster. You know the rules. Two powerful bosses, gather around in an arena and send one of their puppets to fight. The clan that loses, takes one of the other's fighters. you know, boss only brought you, me and...her. So...if you lose this fight...

He looked at his hands.

Luke: Boss will have to send Lucia away.

Jamina's eyes narrowed.

Jamina: Oh, so now it's about HER? Oh, but of course, why did I not think about it! You force me to win so that you won't lose your precious girlfriend! You ANNOYING-


He pulled out a whip and spun it around him, slashing her eye. But in an instant, he seemed to regret.

She looked back at him, unfazed, and then at the blood that was starting to drip down. After a long stare, she turned around and her bandages reappeared on her back. She stopped a few steps away from the door, turning around to look at him with only one eye.

Jamina: You...are an idiot.

She than turned and went into the light.

Small images of the arena flashed, before the time flew. Now Luke was waiting anxiously on a desk, his feet kicking the wooden surface. The door was thrown to the side and a girl with blonde hair ran straight in his arms. Behind her, two guards were carrying some chains, and finally, after them was Jamina.

She was barely alive. Half of her chest was cracked open, her ribs poking out and blood pooling down. Her arm was broken in two, the bone stabbing the skin and her legs had some pieces of flesh completely out. She had a huge scar across her face, in the same place where Luke hit her. Blood pouring down from her mouth and nose...but her only eye had a weird blue color.

Luke: Jamina! Are you-

She raised her hand in his face. Two of her claws were missing.

Jamina: Not a word.

She continued walking, but right at the end she turned around.

Jamina: You lost. BOTH of you.

And with that, the memory ended.

AN: I tried to show you a different side of her. (i did not mention, but when she fights, Akapro covers her hands. so that is why she has 'gloves')

Also, here is a small portret that i did of Jamina.

Also, here is a small portret that i did of Jamina

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