Fight (pt 3)

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DISCLAMER: The following story contains graphic violence content. Please proceed with caution!

The next day was somehow worse. Battles after battles. It was never ending.

Blood spluttered all over the floor, entire pieces of skin burned and ripped open, shattered lungs, ribs pulled out. Bones broken, internal organs being completely torn away. And a lot more. But Jamina was always getting up after the battles. Always on her feet. Not once she lied down to rest or to patch herself.

Battle, blood, talk, battle, blood, talk and so so on. I tried to pull her away to patch her, but she shook ker head.

"If we get caught, you will get into trouble and I don't want to be the cause of this. Please, Bakugo...let me go." And I let her go.

As much as it was painful for her to fight, it was even more painful for me to watch it. Actually it was not really a fight. More of a punching competition. Who managed to hurt the other more won.

I even witnessed how another fighter stabbed Jamina with his hands and he pulled out her spinal cord trough her guts.

But she managed to regrow the bones and won. It was extremely violent.

It all went like that until one night when she finished quickly, talked a bit with Endeavour and we all returned to our room as Akapro was arguing with Jamina.

"You have to let me heal you!"



"Because I don't need any help. And stop with the healing thing. A few bones wont hurt"

The black snake growled "Keep telling yourself that..."

She sighed and waved her hand, pushing him away. "Bakugo, I have to go see an old friend...wan'a come?"

"Yes! Of course I want to come! Lets go!"

She smiled, took my hand and we were teleported in front of a red door. "Now, whatever you do, DO NOT talk to anyone. If they offer you something, than refuse it. And let me do the talking...this guy can be a bit...weird."

She punched the door open and dragged me backwards. In an instant, a red smoke started pooling out of the room. She used her wind power to create a shield around us. I looked inside the room. It reminded me a lot of a really luxurious place. Red velvet was covering all of the furniture around. A gold throne was in the middle of the room, completely surrounded by that red smoke.

On the throne there was a boy. He had short black hair and bloody red eyes. Two fangs were visible and when he smiled, I saw that all of his teeth were sharp. He smiled and chuckled, settling back on the cushions.

"Hello...sorry if I interrupted something"

The boy's smilewidened and his head titled backwards.

"You have some nerve to come in here and simply barge into my private room...!"

There was a long stare between them and I got ready for the moment when he would attack us, but he only threw his hands up in the air and started laughing.


Jamina smiled


"Its...good to see you again...old friend"

I was confused " know each other?"

" IF WE KNOW EACH OTHER? She's the best fighter that ever existed! She used to fight with me all the time! The best of the best!"

Jamina handed me some papers and I looked trough them. Files.


Group: 6

Fighter: 1

Name: Taro

Codename: Val

Powers: Blood. (Unknown purpose). Can create weapons.

Additional weapons: Red wings

Beware: Fangs, powerful jaw and hands. Can and will bite.

Information: Subject can use its blood to create powerful weapons.

Extra: Remember, number 6. You are a failed experiment.

I raised my head from the files "Failed experiment?"

He nodded " Yea...well...I think ur' friend should do the talking...after all, she is superior."

Jamina smiled and turned to me. I could see in her eyes the fact that she was exhausted, but she inhaled, getting ready to tell me the story.

"As you know, we are all experimental subjects...some more...successful than others. Our bosses wanted to make copies of the heroes, so they tried to push other powers over ours. My friend here was supposed to have the blood controlling quirk. The one that that pro hero has. But it mixed with his water quirk and...well...

His boss could have used other resources to fix his power. But not all experiments are used by rich villains. I was 'lucky' to have a boss that enjoyed making others scream in pain and he was also incredibly rich. So in the end, my power resulted like this. Imagination. I can imagine any power and use it. But my primary power is Metal Control. If I use any other, my energy level drops down..."

I nodded

"So you were supposed to have Vlad's quirk...but instead you have smoke?"

The boy started laughing, clouds of smoke coming out.

" No, oh no! Ha ha! This is simply another method to survive here. You see, we fighters get a lot of hits in the ribs. And our lungs get full of blood. So this is simply my blood, transformed into a smoke."

I turned to Jamina

"Why don't you do the same?"

She shook her head

"Not a really good ideea...I really have a lot-"


The chanting seemed to work, cuz she smiled and I heard a small crack in her chest. She exhaled. And the blood seemed to have a more darker collor, but she quickly started heading to the exit.

"Well...thanks for that...but now we have to go. Thanks, Val!"

" My name is Taro! Call me by my name!"

She laughed, grabing my hand and sprinting away.

"Ur right, but than name is soo much easy to remember! See u soon!"

And we left.

AN: I am so sorry, i got into a writer's block :"( if anyone that reads this story has ideas, please don't be shy to express them. it really helps

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