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The next few days were pure hell. It appeared that she had a lot of bones that were literally extracted from her organism. And Akapro was replacing them... It was not disgusting or anything...the blood disappeared from the ground as soon as she used her magic, but still, she got tired quickly.

One night, I got up from my sleep and to my surprise, I found her staying in front of a window, looking at the moon. She was wearing some black clothing and the rest of her skin was covered in bandages. I approached her and sat down.

Bakugo: Hey...are you ok?

Jamina: Yes...kinda'

Bakugo: Do you miss him?

Jamina: know, we had some good times...

Her eyes moved to me.

Jamina: Wan'a see?

Bakugo: Yes!

She took my hand and we teleported in a memory.

Jamina's POV


It was a quiet night. I was patrolling around the perimeter, hearing some party music coming from the wedding nearby. My spinal cord was a bit sore from my fight with the shadow assassin, but i ignored it. The moon was shining with a bright blood color. I looked at the red sphere in the sky, letting it touch my eyes. I felt the color chaining inside me and the power flowing through my veins. I also felt my pupil extending at the sight if red. It was a calming sentiment. I heard a door open and a saw a woman wearing only Gucci, keeping in leash one Dalmatian and another dog. I smiled and approached them.

- Awww, aren't you the cutest?

I tried petting them, but the woman only stepped back, put herself in front of the dogs and shoved her acrylic long nails in my face.

- Ewwww! They are dog breed! Don't touch them!

I took a step back and gave her a confused look.

- Sorry? Would it hurt them if i pet them?

- Ugh! Don't give me that look! Go to your boss and cry instead!

She continued her way, bumping herself into my shoulder. The blood moon light fell on me again, but this time i felt something in my chest. My insides started moving and i bended down, my face close to the ground, while spit some blood.

- How dare you?

The voice came from my mouth, but it was not mine. Before i could even tell him not to do it, Akapro, my shadow emerged from my back and looked at the woman. The blood moon did some changes to both of us. My eyes were permanently red, and my pupils were sharper. His eyes were a darker blood color and his teeth were sharper with black edges. I turned around and decided to play along. He came behind me and snarled at the woman.

- This is her dream, and if she wants to fucking pet the dog you let her pet it! You fucking understood? If i see you acting like a queen in front of her again, i-no, we'll kill you!

The woman looked at him with widen eyes. I approached her, the dark matter starting to fuse with me, so now i was surrounded in a dark aura, with Akapro's head above me, his sharp tentacles starting to point out of my body, like a spider.

- This is our dream, and you don' t get to command us what to do! Understood?

Our voices were fused together, my soft tone and his dark voice creating the perfect scary order. The shadows retreated inside me and i coughed a bit of blood. The woman looked at me just like she saw a horror movie. She tried to pull out a small pocket knife from her purse, but i only sharpened my pupils again, my teeth became sharper and i snarled at her. She dropped her Gucci bag and tried smiling.

- Y-you can p-pet them if you w-want!

I gave her a disinterested look and turned around.

- Keep them. I do not want them anymore.

I left her there and retreated to my small room, where i bended down and coughed a load of blood. Akapro emerged slowly from my back and looked at me worried.

- Did i go too hard on you?

I laughed with a painful smile.

- Two years ago, you were trying to kill me from the inside out. Now you're concerned about me?

- I am serious! I shouldn't have got out of you like that! You still haven't recovered from your last fight and I'm only making things worse-

I put my hand on his head and smiled.

- Its true that you should've told me before you did it, but i don't care! What you did was good! It helped me, no, you helped me. Now, if you just solve this small problem with the blood, it'll be perfect.

I lied down, with him near me and looked at the moon.

- I know what'll make things better!

He shapeshifted and became a dog. A black dog with red eyes and a smoky tail. I laughed and embraced him.

- You're right. This dose help!

We stayed like that, admiring the moon, until we fell asleep.


I shook my head. That was a weird experience. She sighed.

Bakugo: Maybe you should talk to him...

Jamina: You are right...

She took out the crystal and stared right at it.

Jamina: Are you sorry?


Jamina: Are you really?


Jamina: Do you want to repair what you did?


Jamina: Do you miss talking in my head and keeping me awake at night?


Jamina: Can I trust you?


Jamina: Will you annoy me?


Jamina: Do you want to kill my friends?


Jamina: Will you...will you hurt me?

No...I promise

Jamina: Wan'a try it again?


Jamina: that chase, I call you out, Black Demon

The crystal shattered and Akapro got out of it.

Akapro: What made you want to release me?

She turned to me and smiled.

Jamina: Sometimes, memories aren't that bad. Now come on, tomorrow is our day off. For Chrotonos...?

She left me stunned. Chrotonos? Wait...tomorrow was Christmas not Chro- ugh, never mind it

AN: This chapter was inspired by a dream that i actuality had a few weeks ago, and it just remained in my mind. Happy holydays!!!


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