Gold and pearls

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Shoto: I've had some shit in my life...but the most fucked up thing I ever saw.

Deku: It is probably she had worse days. Remember what that shadow said? "eh...she's been through worse".

Bakugo: Let's not wake her up. And don't tell anyone ebout this. Ok?

Shoto: least she'll be safe with us...

The jet landed and they got out. Bakugo was holding Jamina, hiding her from the other heroes.

A woman with green fire hair came closer.

The woman (I don't remember her name): Endevour! I heard that you brought some villain. Where is it?

He pointed to Jamina, and Bakugo tightened his grip around her.

Bakugo: She's tired. The jerk didn't even let her sleep. So, she's staying with us for now.

Endeavour sighed and nodded. Then, he took the three of them to the top of the building. It was a fancy room with three beds, a big bathroom, a kitchen, a living room and a balcony with the view of the city.

Endevour:'s 5: 00. We'll eat at 8 and thsn go to sleep. You will rest today and tomorrow. Goodbye.

He left and the boys started unpacking. Then they all sat down on some armchairs. Bakugo was still holding Jamina when she took a shanky breath and opened her eyes wide. She jolted up and looked around.

Jamina: W-where are we?

Shoto: At my father's agency.

Jamina: I feel something is wrong.

She looked at her claws that were blue, then at Bakugo.

Jamina: Oh no! Did I- (she looked at the rest) Oh my god!

She covered her face.

Jamina: I am so so sorry! I did not mean to do that! It hapends when I have an intense nightmare! I am so sorry!

Bakugo: Hey, calm down! You don't need to apologise. At least now I understand why you don't trust anyone...don't worry. We won't say anything.

Jamina: Oh! Right...t-thank you!

She jumped down and looked around. Then she went to a window and sat down, with her back facing it. She huged her knees and closed her eyes. In a few minutes, Shoto aproached her and looked closer.

Shoto: Yea...she's already the most inconfortable position I could ever think...

Deku: How can she live like that?

Bakugo: What makes you think this isn't the same way she was acting before. She can't even say her bos's name...and she can't even let someone else touch her.

They all looked at her with worried eyes.

Bakugo: And let's not talk about that shadow that is a bad influence...and they are supposed to be rivals cuz of something that happened three years ago... But in the same time...she's the most powerful girl I ever met...and im not talking bout' power

Shoto looked at his watch.

Shoto: We should go and eat and after that talk some more.

Bakugo got up and went over to Jamina. He placed his hand on her shoulder and gently shook her. She opened her eyes wide, with her pupils sharpening, but they extended when she saw Bakugo.

|The explosive heart| Bakugo x F! OC (Mha)Where stories live. Discover now