Into the memories (pt 2)

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On a paper appeared the words „three weeks later".

In a room, Jamina was staying in front of the shadow guy, it appeared to be his office

Jamina: You did enough to me, let me go!

?: I'm afraid I can't do that. I've already put enough money in the way...

He pushed a button from the remote and Jamina started trembling.

?: You shouldn't keep them in. It'll only hurt you.

She kneeled, with her hands on her ribs and whimpered. Suddenly, her wings stabbed her back, stretching and flapping. She got up, a small line of blood marking her nose. The boss looked at her wings and got up. Jamina didn't even moved when he touched her wings and inspected them. He then yanked her hands.

?: Why don't you have your claws?

Jamina: I don't want them.

He looked at her and started laughing.

?: Well...than I'll make you.

With a quick move, she was on the ground, and he had in his hand a whip. She now had a red line on her hand. The door opened, and Luke came in.

?: I want her wings remodeled. And make sure she fears us.

He grinned and grabbed her, dragging her away. He took her in another room.

Luke: Listen, dear, you can choose to listen to me, or we can be rivals. I could help you, and besides, this life is not that hard...also, has anyone ever told you how-

She slapped him so hard, that he almost fell down.

Jamina: I have a boyfriend, and I will NEVER JOIN YOU!

He looked at her and than got mad.

Luke: You are going to regret this.

He started changing forms, until he became...some kind of bear. He grabbed her by the neck and stabbed her back with his claws.

Jamina: Wait...what are y-AAAAAAARRRRGHH!

The entire room was filled with her screams, as he literally started ripping her flesh off. He grabbed her wings by the base and pulled them so hard, that the bones started breaking. And the room was filled with her screams. Screams of agony. And pain. With another pull, he plugged out her wings. In an instant, they grew back. Jamina stopped screaming and was taking shanky breaths. But he didn't even waited

Luke: These wings are too short.

And he pulled again. The ground was full of blood. Twenty times he did that to her. Finally, he let her go and forced the wings back inside her body. After this, he did the same with her claws. At the end of the day, she was still unconscious on the floor.

Bakugo looked around. He wanted this to stop.

In the middle of the memory, her voice appeared "My life was never easy. I was kidnaped at 12 by a mad scientist. He worked for one of the richest people in the city. And he gave me powers. How he did this? You just saw" while she was talking, I started seeing images.

In one of them, she had her hands tied to the ceiling, while Luke was cutting her back. In another, Luke was pushing her off a roof. Luke stabbing her fifty times a day. Luke impaling her ribs with a spear. Luke electrocuting her. Luke hitting her with a whip...and so on. "The first day I looked like this" a image with her. She looked ok. "after three weeks, I looked like this" she didn't looked ok. Her wings were stained with blood, she had a black eye, the collar was choking her, and her eyes were wide. "After one year, I looked like this" her entire body was covered in scars, she had blood dripping from her mouth and she still looked scared. "And this is what I looked after five years". She was no longer scared. Her eyes were black and she had an expression that said 'I don't care what you do to me' her body had more old scars and her wings were black. Her hands also had scars. "Of course, after I understood that I had no way out, I had to work for the boss. And work meant going from association to association and helping criminals steal. You are probably thinking 'Why didn't she just said no?' well what do you think I did? "

Jamina: NO, NO NO! I am not doing this!

Boss: It's not your choice. It's mine. And I say you go there and help the man gather gold.

Jamina and the boss were in his office, the boss in his chair, she was on her feet, with Luke behind her. She had her hands tied on her back and another chain that connected her hands and Luke. She took a step to the boss and Luke yanked the chain, keeping her in one place.

Jamina: I will never do the things you want me to do with determination. I will only do them so that you shut up. But I promise you that I will break every single group that calls for me.

She spoke with such a calm and threatening tone, that the boss got mad. He slammed his fist on the desk and shouted.

Boss: Luke, take her in the white zone! NOW!

Luke tried to move, but then something amazing happened. The time stopped so all of the moves were in slow motion. Jamina jumped in the air, spun around with a ninja like style, and kicked him hard in the face with her foot. So hard, that he slammed his face in the wall and fell down. Jamina turned and dashed to her boss. She raised her leg and with a single move, she broke the desk in half. If she would've move closer to him, she could have broke his head. But instead, the boss started to laugh and clapped his hands.

Boss: Well done! I see that you remembered what happened last time, don't you?

He moved in superspeed and punched a hole in her chest. Her smile faded and she coughed blood.

Boss: Luke, take her away.

Luke got up and grabbed her, dragging her away. She pushed her into a room and closed the door. Then, he dashed to her and with a horrible sound, he skunked his teeth in her throat. She whimpered and tried to push him away, but he bit her harder. His eyes became green and from his fangs started dripping a venom like substance that had a radioactive green color. The venom started leaking down, filing the wounds and forming small pools at their feet. She looked at him with a angry look and kicked him where the sun never shines. This made him let her go and she released her hands, kicking the door open and running away.


She turned and laughed at him

Jamina: Maybe, but not when you have a friend that eats venom!

She laughed and ran away on the long corridors. "As you can see, I still found some small moments when I laughed. But those moments were usually not long.

And after another year, there was a fight between me and my boss...and that fight was going to change my life"

AN: Hi guys, im back! And now a question for you: 'Who is her boss?' he's a character from the show. Hope you figure it out! And if you do, make sure you say it. That being said, dark out! 

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