Into the memories (pt 3)

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In another white room, Jamina was lying down on the floor. She looked horrible. Her entire torso was opened, and blood was spreading around. Her bones were broken, and she was struggling to breathe. The boss was in front of her, and he was cleaning his hands with a paper towel.

Boss: Ugh! You made me filthy again! What a pathetic soul you are!

She titled her head up and wheezed some words. The boss instantly jumped up and came to her, grabbing her by the neck and puling her upwards.


Jamina *wheezing*: I-I any other...association..o-of villains wou-ld...treat me b-bet...ter than you...

The boss remained still but slammed her into the wall.

Boss: Heh! You're delusional!

Jamina: Or you are just t-oo proud of yourself to admit it!

The boss stayed a bit and grinned.

Boss: Very well, then I will send the villain's league. The boss has a disintegration quirk. I can't wait to see how many limbs you lose there.

He then threw her away and the image blurred. Then it changed and now she was in a room. Shigaraki was in front of her. (Here happens everything that was in chapter

The next day, Jamina was sitting on a chair, sleeping like that. Kurogiri entered and touched her shoulder. She jolted up from the chair and looked with fear at him.

Kurogiri: No need to be scared. It's just me.

She sighed and nodded.

Jamina: Y-yes...thank you...

The purple man got out a small bandage and handed it to her.

Kurogiri: You can use that to cover your neck. It won't heal, but it will close the wound.

She nodded and the image blurred again.

Than the memories started flying in front of them. Jamina laughing with the league, patching her wounds, attacking USJ, getting yelled at by Bakugo, saving a kid. Here, the memory remained some more. She was staying on the ground, while a bit of blood was on the ground. She was patching up one of her scars. Akapro got out of her back and looked at her.

Akapro: You know this is not going to work...right?

Jamina: Why not? I am tying up the bandage in the correct way.

He looked at her and stopped her actions.

Akapro: I am not talking about this. I am talking about the fact that you're killing yourself.

Jamina: What do you mean!?

Akapro: Oh god! Drop the crap! I know your thoughts! I know he hurt you. The explosive boy. With his words! And you know what I do when someone makes me mad? I eat him! So come on, snap your fingers and teleport that angry boy here. I'll bite his head off and-

She got up and grabbed him by the mouth, shutting him up. After this, she whispered.

Jamina: Don't you dare talk like that about him.

She let him go.

Jamina: Besides...I'm used to these kinds of words. I don't care what he told me...and even if I could teleport him here...I am no killer. Maybe everyone considers me a villain because I am in the LOV...but a killer...that kills? The only thing that I ever killed were shadows...and they don't have a life- doesn't matter! What I want to say is...true...he hurt me with his words...but that's not something im not used to...*sigh*

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