The start of troubles (pt 2.)

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*time skip*

*when they got back*

Bakugo's POV:

That burned idiot was holding me, so I couldn't free myself. They put some restrains on me and tied me to a chair. Shigaraki aproached me.

Shigaraki: Well, hello there, Katsuki Bakugo, we brought you here to-

He stopped, looked around and turned to Kurogiri.

Shigaraki: Where's Jamina?

They all looked with fear, before a portal apeared on the ceiling. They all exhaled, happy that she was back. But she wasn't ok. A huge amount of blood spiled all over the floor when her body fell through the portal, making a thump. Toga screamed and the others looked horified. She looked just like a lifeless body, sunken in its own blood. She got slowly up, and Shigaraki rushed to help her.


Jamina *wheezing*: M-muscular...he tried to kill a I fought him...and helped sorry, Shigi...

She started to close her eyes when she noticed Bakugo.

Jamina: What is he doing here?! Shigaraki, you told me-

Shigaraki: I know, I'm sorry, boss's orders. But I promise I won't hurt him.

Jamina nodded and coughed some more blood.

Toga: Bestie! Can you heal yourself?

Jamina: I-I'm afraid no...I'm spent...but it would be posible only if...

She looked at Shigaraki and he nodded, understanding her message.

Shigaraki: We're leaving, now! Everybodey to their rooms. Good noght!

Toga: Wait, WHAT? Are we supposed to just let her stay like this?!

Shigaraki: She needs to talk with her shadow.

Toga's eyes widened and she chuckled.

Toga: Ok, tell him hi from me!

Then she left.

Shigaraki: U sure u can handle this?

Jamina: Yes...I j-just need to talk to h-him...

They all left, and she rested against the desk.


A black shadow emerged from her back, and she flinched. Bakugo watched as the shadow took form and became a venom shaped like creature. It had long teeth and white eyes, and on his face was an evil smirk.

Akapro: Well, well...I haven't seen this much blood from a long time...hello there, Jamina.

There was pure hatred in their eyes, as they stared at each other. The blood started getting darker and it reentered her wounds, disappearing. Jamina exhaled, and the pain finally stopped.

Akapro: So, you call me here just to use me and then goodbye? Don't I get something in exchange?

Jamina: What are you waiting for, a medal?

For the first time, Bakugo felt in her voice an uncontrolled anger. The shadow turned around and looked at Bakugo.

Akapro: And what is this? A small treat?

He approached the boy and two claws emerged from the darkness. He almost looked the same as Dark Shadow, except he was black, didn't had a bird head and looked like venom. Akapro opened his mouth and Bakugo shivered at his fangs. Jamina came quickly, putting herself in front of the shadow.

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