The start of troubles (pt 1.)

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Time skip, 3 weeks later, at the mall

Jamina's POV:

Shigaraki was holding Deku by his throat, talking to him. I was right a few steps next to them, behind a flowerpot. I didn't liked much the method that my friend was using, but I had to stay there. Suddenly, my eye caught a movement and I saw a man pointing a gun to a small child.

Deku's POV:
I was trying to free myself, when I noticed a man pointing a gun to a child's head. Shigaraki noticed too, because he let go a bit of my neck and wanted to go there. Multiple gunshots were heard, and dust formed where the child was standing.

Shigaraki: Oh, no...

No one POV:

When the dust cleared, everyone saw a pair of metal wings surrounding the child. Jamina got up, and everyone gasped, looking at the two huge blade wings that pierced her back. Jamina looked down and gently picked up the little girl.

Jamina: A-are you ok?

The child nodded and looked with big eyes at her wings. Jamina took some steps back, not wanting to hurt the child.

The kid: What is your name, hero?

Jamina was shocked.

Jamina: A-apologies...but I am no hero...

The kid: But you saved me!

Jamina gave her a sad smile.

Jamina: Only because I saved you doesn't mean I am a hero...but one day, you will become a great hero, just like All Might. I am sure of it...

She looked at the man that had the gun, and one feather-blade got out of her wing. With a qick move, it slashed the gun in two and nocked out the guy. Then she turned to Shigaraki. He nodded and let go of Deku.

Shigaraki: You have a cute girlfriend, by the way!

He said to Deku, then got up. Jamina started running and grabbed him by the hand, flying out into the open sky. Everyone started storming around asking questions, but no one noticed Bakugo staying in a corner and observing the situation. It looked like he was the only one that noticed that at the moment when Jamina got out her wings, there was blood leaking from her back.

*back at the league*

With a thud, Jamina collapsed on the floor.

Shigaraki: You shoudn't have done that...

Jamina: What was I supposed to do, let him kill? used to getting hurt, and being pushed to my limits...

Shigaraki sighed. He then opened the door and welcomed other two people inside. A man with burned skin, and a girl with fangs. After talking to them, he started getting mad. Jamina noticed and prepared herself.

Shigaraki: Gee, why is everyone so hung up about Stain? Its all I ever hear about-

Kurogiri: Tomura, no!

Shigaraki: Its really pissing me off! You both are dead!

He lunched at them, and tried touching them, but Jamina cought his hand with her claws. Then she threw away the knife from Toga and with the other hand, she grabbed Dabi's fist.

Jamina: Everyone please, calm down! Shigaraki, I can handle this...

She knew he needed to calm down. He scoffed and went to his room. Jamina turned to the two and gave them a weak smile.

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