The private plane

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*Bakugo's POV*

The next day, I woke up and packed up, heading down. On the way, I encountered the damn nerd and icy hot. We arrived at the entrance, and our luggage was teleported to the hotel. Endevour arrived and looked at the three of us.

Endevour: Where's the experiment?

Bakugo: Don't call her that! Her name is Jamina!

Endevour: If she isn't here, then I'll just attract her collar to me.

He pushed a button and waited. Suddenly, they heard a loud scream coming from the roof and saw Jamina literally falling from the sky and landing on the ground with a creaking sound. She jumped up, blood dripping from her nose and clenching her hand around her shoulder that looked dislocated.

Jamina: What THE FUCK were you thinking!? You could have just called me!

Endeavour: There you are. Now let's go.

She sighed and came to us, while still holding her shoulder. With a painful crunch, she put her bone back, without even twitching or making a sound.

Deku: Doesn't it hurt you?

Jamina: E-excuse me?

Deku: Hurt you? Dose it hurt?

She smiled and looked down.

Jamina: No other hero asked me ever that question...but no, you get used to the pain. happens to me all the time!

We continued on our way and arrived at the airport. Jamina looked at all the people there and with her claws, she created a black hoodie out of thin air. She put it on herself and shoved her hands in the pockets, hiding her claws.

Endeavour: Good thinking. We don't want other people seeing us with a villain.

She sighed in annoyance, and we entered the building. While we were passing, the crowds got bigger and bigger. Trying to take pictures and talk. I noticed Jamina's eyes changing color to a greyish yellow and suddenly, all the people's phones shut off. That way, we arrived safely inside Endeavour's private jet. But instead of taking us to the front seats, he shoved us into a small room at the back of the jet.

Endeavour: I don't want any of you causing trouble, so stay there put.

He got out and we heard the door lock. We all sat down and looked around. The room was quite small and didn't had chairs, so we were sitting on the floor. Jamina retreated to one corner and sat there, closing her eyes. I noticed that her eyebags were bigger than last time.

Bakugo: What were you doing on the roof?

Jamina: I was just staying there.

Bakugo: Didn't you sleep?

Jamina: I don't need to...I can absorb my energy from metal...

Now all eyes were on her. I saw Deku pulling out his notebook and started writing something there. She came a bit closer and looked at us.

Jamina: We are going to stay together for almost two if you have any can ask...I'll try and answer as honestly as I can...

Deku: Well, what is your quirk?

She explained it to him.

(AN: Im too lazy to write everything again. It's the same information that she said to Shigaraki in the first chapter)

Deku: Woahh! So those that mean you can do everything you want? That's so cool!

She chuckled a bit, but then gave him a sad smile.

Jamina: it may sound cool...but then everyone will try and use much that you lose your confidence in yourself, and it becomes hard to control...even so, it can make some cool things...

She waved her hand and a puddle of metal appeared on the ground. She used both of her claws to model it and shape it, till it became a minifigure of All Might. The details looked amazing, almost like he was real. She touched the figurine again and this time, it multiplied. Then she handed each of us one.

Jamina: I'm sorry, I didn't had much metal, so it came out small...

Deku: I-it's perfect! Thank you!

His sudden exclamation surprised her, but she laughed along with him.

Shoto: Back at the were the one that made all the phones ran out, didn't you?

Her eyes widened a bit.

Jamina: S-sorry...I just don't want people looking at me...

Shoto: Don't apologize...I would've done the same.

Deku came closer to her inspecting her neck.

Deku: Hey...what dose this do? I saw that it's connected to the remote, but how does it hurt you?

Jamina: *sigh* You all probably know that I am an experiment...I was kidnaped at 12 and those people drained half of my blood and replaced it with metal. That way I could use my power at its full capacity...but after they did that, they expected me to just stay there and listen to them, wich of course I didn't do. So, they did some drastic measures.

She grabbed the collar with her claws, and she pulled on it. They all saw a lot of scars. She sighed and let it go.

Jamina: When I was with the league, they tried getting it down. Shigaraki even touched it, but nothing worked. My wounds healed, but now, when Endevour is playing with it just like I am an object...they are reappearing...

Shoto: father is like that...

Jamina: Im just happy that real heroes still exist...

Bakugo: You said you'll tell me what happened to you. I think now's the time.

I extended my arm and placed three fingers on the mask that covered her right side of the eye. She sighed and placed her hand on mine.

Jamina: I-I don't think I can tell you now...please give me some more time...I still need to think about it.

I nodded and let her go.

Bakugo: Ok, if you need more time...then ok.

Jamina: The only thing that I want you to promise me is not to be separated from you...please...I'll lose my mind if I won't be near someone known...

Deku: Don't worry, I'm sure they'll understand.

She smiled and leaned on the wall. Some hours passed and we were still there. Shoto was on his phone and Deku was analyzing Jamina's claws. Suddenly, she moved and nearly fell. I caught her and realized that she fell asleep.

Bakugo: Let her go, you damn nerd.

I took her by the shoulders and placed my other hand under her knees, cradling her in my arms and resting her head on my chest. She sighed and placed her hand on me, still sleeping. I heard a photo snap and saw Shoto smiling at us.

Bakugo: YOU ICY HOT!

But suddenly, Jamina whimpered and moved, looking like she had a nightmare. A weird blue aura appeared around us, extending to the others and she winced again.

Bakugo: Jamina?!

I felt my soul leaving my body and everything went black.

AN: Cliffhanger! Enjoy! Dark out!

1084 words

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