The dream

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I found myself in a white room, and near me were Deku and Shoto. We all looked like ghosts.

Bakugo: I think we're in one of her memories...

The door opened and a tall boy in a white uniform entered. He had blond short hair, maroon eyes, and a scar along his left cheek. He was dragging someone, and we noticed in horror that it was Jamina. Her hands were tied to her back and she was trying to free herself. The boy chuckled and threw her at the opposite wall. He then leaned forward and smiled in her eyes.

?: So...Jamina, tell me where is it?

Jamina: Luke...why would I ever tell you?

He laughed a bit and got up. Jamina freed herself and growled slowly. He laughed and took some steps back.

Luke: You really want to play like that? Fine, I'll play your game...

He touched the wall and, in his hand, appeared a weird tool. It looked like two knives with a gap between them, so almost like a trident. Jamina gasped and her eyes widened, showing fear.

Luke: You do remember it, right? So, you must know how much damage it can do to you. Let me ask you once again...(he came closer to her, threatening her with the weapon) Where. Is. The. Blue. Moon. Opal?

She nodded.

Jamina: I don't know.

He made a quick move and stabbed her in the guts. Then, he pushed a button and a blue light electrocuted her. She whimpered and tried to get free. He grabbed her by the neck and threw her against the wall.

Luke: Im losing my patience!

She coughed and gave him a small smile.

Jamina: You're also losing your time...

He growled and grabbed her again, stabbing her in the same place. She winced.

Luke: Where is the BLUE MOON OPAL!?

He grabbed her hand, pressed her chest on the floor and with a crunch, he broke her hand, pulling it upwards. She screamed and coughed blood.


He punched her hard in the neck.

Jamina: *wheeze* I-

With another crunch, he punched her ribs, blood splattering all over the place. She screamed in agony and one small tear dripped down. Her eyes were a deep black and blood was coming out of her mouth like a waterfall.

Luke: Fine, you won't talk? THEN I'LL MAKE YOU!

He touched the wall again and this time, a long whip appeared. With another button, the string was covered in lightning and blue light. He swings it and hits her hard. She raised her arm, and the whip hit her hand, leaving a red deep mark. She screamed in agony once again, before everything went black. On a small paper appeared the words:" Three hours later". The white door swung open, a river of blood pouring out. Luke got out, covered in blood and holding the two weapons in her arms. A shadowy figure appeared after him.

Luke: So, she does know something.

Akapro: Yes, but she's keeping it hid. Also, why do you kneed that?

Luke: Get lost, you symbiote !

He left. Akapro snarled and went inside the room. He dragged out a lifeless body that was Jamina. She looked horrible. Her ribs were poking out of her skin and...she just looked like a tank ran over her. Bakugo covered his mouth. Akapro dragged her to another room, where some scientists looked at her.

Scientist 1: We'll have to use the fish tank to keep the blood inside her.

Akapro: Than do it.

Scientist 1: But it will hurt like hell...

Akapro: Eh...she's been through worse.

They carried her up a ladder and threw her into a green neon substance filled tank. They tied her feet down to the bottom, so now, she looked like a real experiment, trapped in a glass tube with blood flowing around her. The doctors pushed some buttons, and the green color became more intense, while she started moving. (Akapro could extend himself, so he wasn't in the tank, he was outside watching)

Scientist 2: Bring the Eternium.

They poured a grey substance in there and the blood disappeared, and the wounds closed. She opened her eyes and some bubbles got out of her mouth. She broke the ropes that were attached on her legs and got out.

Akapro: Didn't you say it will hurt like hell?

Scientist 1: The effect appears right when she gets out of the substance.

The moment her body hit the ground, her eyes widened, and she screamed in pain, collapsing on the ground.

Akapro: Welp...see you guys later...

He picked her up and disappeared on the door. He went on some corridors and opened a door. It led to a small room, with one bed, a desk and a door that led to a bathroom. He placed her on the bed and looked at her with a plain expression on his face.

Jamina: What are you looking at, idiot?

Akapro: A "thank you" would've been enough. What is the Blue Moon Opal?

Jamina: Nothing important.

Akapro: Since he beat the crap out of you, it must be important tho.

She sighed.

Jamina: It's a stone.

She winced again and some other tears spilled down.

Akapro: I think the Eternium is putting back the broken bones...but what about your blood?

Jamina: Unit 1...idiot.

The shadow smiled and opened a small compartment from under the floor. He pulled out a packet of blood and stabbed her with the needle, pouring the blood inside her. She got up.

Akapro: WOAH! Why are you up? You should be resting!

Jamina: No...I must find the stone and hide's a that can amplify the power inside you without can destroy an entire planet if not used wise...

Akapro: are now saving the world...and the heroes know nothing about it. You suffer here everyday...and they stay in their fancy homes...and save little kittens from trees...

She got up with a plain expression on her face, garbing some bandages and patching her hand.

Jamina: I don't care. I just don't want people being held back by me...that's why I'll ignore the pain. Come on.

The shadow disappeared behind her back, and she opened the door. She looked one more time behind her, almost like she was looking in Bakugo's eyes and went out.


The dream ended and the heroes woke up, the blue aura retreating in Jamina's claws. She was still sleeping. Bakugo looked at the other two.

AN: Dreams are always intense. Enjoy! Dark out!

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