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Bakugo: Come on. It's time to go.

I took her by the arm and rushed outside. We walked to my room and I closed the door. She sighed and sat down on the floor.

Jamina: They are all going to kill me...

She buried her face in her knees.

Jamina: Bakugo, why did you bring me here?

Bakugo: What do you mean?

Jamina: I don't like this...I don't want people to see this current state. I feel weak...

Bakugo: Ur' not weak. Stop thinking like that. Come on, lets go out a bit.

I took her hand and she retracted her claws, until her real hand was visible.

She had scars that traced her palm and fingers. But even so...she looked really good. No matter how many marks she had.

I closed my hand over her and went outside.

Bakugo: Ok, lets go in the park, its quiet there.

She nodded and followed.

The park was really calming. There were no threats. Only some people walking dogs. She was walking along me, but her hand was twitching

Bakugo: You ok?

I looked to see where she was looking and saw a woman with a dog. Every time someone else approached her and wanted to pet it, she would literally put herself in front of the dog like she was protecting it from some kind of horrible villain. And after the human would back away, she would start throwing apologizes and repeating that the dog ' was working '

She sighed and turned around.

Jamina: No matter. It's just a stupid reason to be mad. Come on, let's go...

Bakugo: No! Tell me why. I want to hear it!

She looked a bit around and sighed.

Jamina: Well...don't hate me, see that dog? That is a rescue dog. They are used to help people when they have problems. But...these dogs have a horrible life. No matter how the humans treat them. They hate the things that they are obligated to do. Even if on the outside, they seem happy and smiling...and that's not all! If the human dies, than all of the blame goes to the dog-...sorry. I'll stop talking now.

I looked at her. She was now looking down, dragging me away from the park

Bakugo: No. Don't be sorry, idiot, you have every right to say something like that! Don't give up on your thoughts only because you are the only one brave enough to talk back! Hey...

She raised her head to look at me and I raised her hand to her chest.

Bakugo: If you have an idea that you genuinely think it's good...don't let someone else talk you out of it!

She smiled and chuckled.

Jamina: Who was that, Stan Lee?

Bakugo: Heh, see? I told them you were right!

Jamina: And besides, there are hundreds of people out there that don't have a service dog and they are PERFECTLY ALIVE you don't need some fancy method to prevent problems, I mean, look at me. I have permanently broken bones and I pass out because of the blood loss. Having such a dog would alert me when my body would be close to passing out. But I don't want it. I don't want to hurt a poor soul by forcing him into intensive training and have him follow me all day, ONLY BECAOUSE I don't want my heart beating too fast and the cold floor in my cheek. And besides...passing out is sometimes good for me. It helps enter the dreams without nightmares.

I laughed and shook her hand.

Bakugo: I really have something with dogs...are they your favorite animals?

Jamina: No...I like snakes. But thank you for noticing. By the way...don't get me wrong. I understand that some people need them, and I am not going to-

I pressed my palm against her mouth.

Bakugo: Don't apologize. I understand you.

Jamina: Ok...thank you.

Bakugo: You really know what you'r talking about. Well, now, lets go back and make sure you are trained enough. I don't want you to get hurt in that arena.

She nodded and we left the park.

AN: Don't judge me. This was an ideea that one of my friends came up with. So don't @ me pls.

679 words

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