Fight (pt. 4)

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DISCLAMER: This chapter contains graphic depictions of violence as well as poison ingestion. If these are a trigger, please proceed with caution!

After some days, I started to get tired. It was really exhausting for me to see her get hurt and have no control over the situation. So, one night I snuck out, looking for some food. Unfortunately, I ended up in a night party. I had no idea how I got there, but there were lights and people and heroes and villains that were...dancing together? I shook my head and looked through the crowd. At a table I spotted some neon drinks that looked like alcohol. I approached a small group of fighters and looked at the drinks that they were selling.

"What is this?"

They all looked at each other and then a girl stepped forward. It was clear she was the one in charge.

"Well, well, well...if it isn't the explosive hero. What brings you in the middle of a villain group?"

"I was exploring. Now answer my question."

She smiled with a mean look in her eyes and grabbed a small glass of neon liquid.

"Dark water. It's perfect for repairing broken bones."

That was what I needed.

"How much is it?"

"Oh! For you, nothing. After all...we must help each other. But make us a favor and drink one with us!"

I had to leave. So, I grabbed a cup and chugged it all. It tasted like an energy drink and blueberries. I took another one and hurried to my room. Behind me, the girl took out her phone and texted a message "it was done, now we just have to wait"


I entered my room only to find Jamina lying on the ground. She looked weaker than ever. She had a black eye and who knows how many broken bones. I walked over to her and placed my hand gently on her chest. Than I raised her head and let the liquid slide down in her throat. She opened her eyes wide and got up.



"What did you do?!"

"Don't worry. I snuck out and found some blue neon drink that I heard it repairs ur' bones."

She nodded, understanding what I was talking about.

"Dark water...I heard about it. Thank you."

"No problem. As long as you stay alive, it's going to be ok. Now come on. Lets get you a real bed."

I walked her over to my room and we lied down. In less than a minute we were both sleeping.


The next few days were really good. No one got killed and she was really healing faster. But I was not ok. I was feeling horrible and my powers were weak. I think it has something to do with that water.

And no matter how hard I tried to hide it, Jamina found out.

"YOU WHAT?! Bakugo! Why the fuck-"

"It was the only way to make you better. And it doesn't hurt that much-"

Jamina sighed and opened her palm.

"Come on. Lets sit down and let me help you..."

I sighed and she kneeled next to me, pressing her palm over my chest. She than started chanting some weird words as I felt my guts clenching. She started speeding up the words and blue neon liquid started pooling from my mouth . She did not seemed deranged by that and kept talking. I started coughing and turned around, splashing with blue substance. When it was finally over, she gathered the liquid in a cup and dropped a piece of metal inside.

Instantly, the liquid started bubbling and the metal was dissolved.

"This was going to happened if you kept that inside your guts. Good thing I saw it. Are you feeling better now?"

"Yea. Way better that before. Thank you, Jamina!"

She smiled "Don't thank me. After saved me."

We both looked at the arena that was closed. She suddenly got up.

"That human..."

I looked, and saw a man or a boy that was carrying a bag. 

He dropped it on the ground and ran away. Even if it was for a split second, I saw him. Luke.

Jamina pushed me away, turned her head and shouted in a powerful voice that shattered all the windows and doors around us


She than turned around and shielded my body with her wings, right as I heard a loud BOOM. In the chaos that erupted from the ground, and the screams around us, and the smoke that was burning...I was only feeling her hand gripping my torso, her wings melting and bleeding, the collar around her neck that was pushing into my shoulder and her breathing right next to my ear.

AN: Cliffhanger! Next chapter in two weeks! Enjoy!!!!

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