The summer camp

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*summer camp*

*the moment when Deku was fighting Muscular*

Muscular was beating the crap out of Deku. He punched him in the guts, throwing him away. Even so, the hero got up, positioning himself in front of Koda.

Muscular: He he he, I think you're starting to get weak! Why don't you just give up and let me kill the kid?

Suddenly, a noise was heard, and a piece of rock fell on Muscular. A shadowy figure apeared and landed in front of Deku.

Deku: Jamina!?

Jamina: Muscular, that's enough! Boss said to keep him away, not kill the child!

Muscular: Ha, and I see that you listhen to everything that he's saying! Move, you freak!

He tried hitting her, but she easily cut one of his tentacles.

Jamina: Muscular, I'm warning you, retreat now! Or do I have to make you?

Her claws grew with a metal sound.

Muscular: Heh, this is going to be fun!

He lunched at her punching her arm. She was thrown into the rock wall, and dust covered everything. From the dust, two metal wings emerged, sending small spears to him.

*time skip 5 min later* (after A LOT of fighting)

*Deku's POV*

Afrer some doging, Muscular punched her in the ribs. For the first time, she wheezed in pain, landing again in front of Deku. Her wings retreted, leaving two scars in her back. Deku looked at her horified. He knew that she woudn't hurt him, but she looked horible. She had some scars on her hands, and she was clenching her claws on her ribs. Also, she was spiting blood and it looked like she had some bones broken.

Muscular: That's what you want? You do realise that you look like a vilain! You really think he wants to be rescued by a MONSTER?!

She gasped, looking at her claws. Then she turned looking at Deku. A trail of blood was leaking from her eye, she looked at him than exhaled sharply and got up.

Jamina: It doesn't m-mater if he wants to be saved or not...and also, i-I wasn't saving him...I was just giving him some time to recharghe...NOW, DEKU!

She jumped away and covered Kota, protecting him from the shokwave. After the dust cleared, Jamina steped back from the kid. Deku looked at her and she looked at him.

Jamina: If you want to fight me, then do it quick...I don't know how much I can stand, so if you are going-...just do it quick.

She turned her head and put her hands in the air, waiting for him to punch her.

Deku: Why would I do that?

Jamina: Because...the league of villains are my friends...

Deku: But you just saved us!?

She looked at him surprised, then she slowly got up.

Jamina: I know how I can help you more...please trust me...

She gently extended her arm and touched his injured arm. She closed her eyes and, on her head, appeared a white symbol. There was a white light emerging from her claws and when Deku looked at his arm, he found out that it was almost completley healed. Only some small cuts were visible. She coughed a hude amount of blood and fell to her knees. Deku came closer and tried to help her up.

Jamina: N-no! Don't waste your time on me! Go and save your friends! Please...

She got up, a small pudle of blood disapearing. She forced her wings out of her and with a yelp, she jumped over the edge.

Deku*in mind*: She really isn't a bad guy...just misunderstood! Ugh...come on, Koda!


Jamina was flying, trying to see where his friends were, when she felt one of her ribs break (Explaining: She could create things out her body, but that ment it did some damage inside herself)

She caught a glimpse of Toga and landed with a thump in front of them.

Toga: *gasp*: Bestie! What happened!?

Jamina: *cough* D-don't you have some m-metal please?

Toga pulled out three of her seringhes and two of her knifes. Jamina melted them quikly and took them in her ribs. She inhaled, exhaled and got up.

Jamina: T-thanx! Ok...what are you-

She was cut off when she saw Ochako on the ground with a cut on her arm.

Jamina: Oh my god!

She approached Toga, leaping and clenching her arm around her ribs.

Jamina: Toga, I t-told you! Do. Not. Hurt. Anibody. If you want blood, I can give you...

Toga: B-but look at yourself! You are seriously hurt! You can't posibly give me now your blood!

Jamina: Yes, I can.

In a blink of a second, she snatched a seringe and filled it up with blood. She gave it to Toga and noded.

Jamina: Go. I'll handle this...

Toga: K, see u later bestie!

She ran away. Jamina looked at Ochako and tried to help her up, but she flinched and went bakwards. Jamina put her hands in the air and lowered herself, hissing from the pain.

Jamina: I swear I won't h-hurt you. I just w-want to help you...

Ochako: Aren't you that girl that saved that kid?

Jamina: Y-yes...and I just came from your boyfriend...he was fighting Muscular and I h-helped you can see (gestuted at her wound) so please...let me heal you...

Ochako nodded and Jamina placed her claws gently on her wound. There was again a white light and Ochako's wound disapeared. Jamina turned her head away, opened her mouth and a river of blood came out, splashing the ground. Jamina started coughing violentley, before she slowly got up, nearly colapsing.

Ochako: Oh. My. God!

Jamina: *cough* Sorry...I c-can't hold back...this healing sorry, I have to go!

She turned and jumped into the forest.

AN: What happened to her? Next chapter will be longer! Enjoy! Dark out!

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