Part 36

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Y/N's POV:

"Please don't leave", I groaned into Alex's shoulder as I hugged her tightly. 

"I'll see you soon okay", she told me with sad eyes as she finally pulled back and forced me to look at her. She poked me cheek, making me smile as we stared into each other's eyes for a couple seconds. Kelley broke our moment when she called out that Alex's Uber was here to take her to the airport. I was insistent on driving her but I didn't have a car here yet and she wouldn't let me ride with her as she forced me to rest up for the season ahead of me.

"I love you", she muttered against my lips as she gave me a final goodbye kiss before she left. I dropped back onto the sofa with a sigh and Kelley soon joined me, handing me a cold beer. 

"I've got to head back in for training tomorrow", she told me with a sigh. "You want to come for a couple hours, no training or anything, just meeting the people and getting familiar with the training ground and stuff", she invited me and I found myself nodding. "Yeah sure, sounds better than staying in an empty apartment whilst you're out".

"I know you'll miss her Y/N/N but we'll be going down to play Orlando in a couple weeks".

"My first game is against Washington right?", I asked and she nodded. "God it's been five minutes since she left and I already miss her Kell. I'm sat here going through my schedule in my head and planning when I can fly down to surprise her", I told her with a tired smile. 

She turned to me with a grin, "I can't put into words how happy I am that you both found each other. I genuinely think you're soul mates". I grabbed the nearest cushion and pressed my face into it as I tried to hide my grin. I felt her tugging on my arm after a while as she forced me to get ready, "Cmon let's go out for the night".

"Early night though Kelley you know Alex would murder me if I stay out too late, plus we have to get up early if we're going to the training ground or whatever right".

"Sure mom...god you're so whipped", she laughed as she walked to her room to get ready. "I heard that", I screamed back, earning a laugh from her as I made my way to my own room.

"So Y/N, two goals and two assists in two games, you've definitely started off brightly here at Gotham, how are you feeling?", the interviewer asked me after our game against Louisville.

"Uhh yeah, you know I'm just happy to come in and contribute on both ends of the pitch, after a rough start to the season things are really turning up for our team and we're going to continue pushing to secure a playoff spot", I told her with a polite smile.

"That goal line clearance in the dying seconds was really something, and it seems the fans here love you already. Do you plan on extending your one year contract here with Gotham?", she probed.

I laughed nervously, "I think I'm just focusing on this season right now and making sure we hit all our targets as a team".

"It was great to catch up with you Y/N, thank you for your time", I nodded with a smile and handed the mic back to the press team. I began walking around the edge of the pitch to clap our fans when I felt Kelley jump onto my back as Kristie and Lynn soon also appeared at my side. "God can't you stay forever, you're so fucking good", they all praised me as I took off my shirt and handed it to some kid in the crowd that had a big sign. "Cmon guys you're making me blush", I laughed at them, earning a couple of playful shoves.

"So Orlando next?", Kelley grinned at me. "I can't wait", I returned her look as we walked back into the tunnel and headed for the dressing room. "Finally going to see your girl", all my team mates began to tease me, I bit back my smile and headed for the showers as I flashed them all my middle fingers.

After a quick two hour or so morning flight our team landed in Florida, and a team bus drove us to the Exploria Stadium where we would have a final training session before the game v Orlando that was the next day. We headed to the away dressing room to change out of our travel gear and into our training kits and then headed back out onto the pitch. 

I began my stretches on the grass and could just feel eyes on me from somewhere. I looked up and around the empty stadium a couple of times and then I finally saw her. My eyes met her excited blue ones as she gave me a wave from one of the executive boxes up in the stands. 

"What are you looking at?", Kelley asked me in a confused tone then she followed my line of sight and spotted Alex. She began jumping around and screaming as she waved back at her, earning a glare or two from some of our coaches. "Focus O'Hara", they warned her as I tried not to laugh. "See you soon", I mouthed to Alex and she nodded before leaving.

The training session felt so long this time, I couldn't wait for it to be over so I could finally hold and kiss my girl. The whistle finally blew and half the squad including myself dropped to the ground in exhaustion. "Off to the showers ladies", one of the coaches instructed and everyone began to get up slowly and head back inside. I tried to sneak away in the other direction, "not so fast Y/L/N, you're on cones newbie", one of the dickhead coaches called me back and I glared at him.

I exaggerated a huff as I began to pick up the cones that were lying all over the grass then I put the pile down and finally headed back through the tunnel. I could shower later, I thought to myself as there was a more pressing matter on my mind. I stalked through the corridors of the stadium until I finally noticed Alex with her back turned to me, as she filled a cup of water from a dispenser. I creeped up on her as quietly as I could and then quickly wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up a little as I spun us around for a couple of seconds.

"Y/N FINALLY", she screamed excitedly as she turned to attack me with a hug. I hugged her back just as tightly then felt her pull away after a few seconds. "You're all sweaty", she whined and hit my arm. "Too late, I just couldn't wait to see you", I told her with a laugh to which she softened and pulled me in again. "Come here", she held my face in her hands and pulled me towards her as our lips finally connected. 

She shoved me back slightly as things start to heat up, "Go shower first", she grinned as I groaned. "I'll see you in ten", I told her as I bit back a giddy smile and pressed a final quick kiss to her lips before I returned to where my team was.

"I missed you so much", Alex told me quietly as she leaned into me slightly. A small group of us were currently out for an early evening meal, and luckily we had quite a secluded table towards the back. "I missed you too, so much", I looked down to smile at her before pressing a kiss to her head. 

"God you guys are so sappy", Allie teased as I put an arm around Alex's shoulders. I felt her hand move under the table as she began to trace little shapes and patterns on my knee. Our food finally came and everyone made small talk as they began to eat. 

"I know they're telling me I have to spend the night with the team at the hotel but...just stay up for me a while", I told Alex with a grin. "Y/N don't sneak out", she tried to scold me with a serious look but her grin peeked through. "I know you want me to Morgan", I teased her as she pressed her face into my arm to hide her smirk.

"Fine but if you get in trouble...", she warned. "It's completely my idea and I don't care if they find out and fine me or something, it's worth the risk", I grinned as I pulled her in for a quick kiss.

"I thought we agreed on no one ordering dessert today", Kristie and the rest of our friends teased us as they spotted us kissing. "Shut up", Alex blushed.

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