Part 43

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Y/N's POV:

The whistle was blown. World Champions. 

Full time. USA 2-0 Netherlands. 

I sunk to my knees and fell forward onto my stomach as I cried into my arms whilst the stadium went crazy. Kelley was the first to run to me as she pulled me up and hugged me. "We did it", she cried as she hugged me tightly. 

I limped to my feet as we stood up and started going around to celebrate with our team mates as well as consoling the heartbroken Dutch players. 

"BABY WE DID IT", Alex jumped into my arms as her legs wrapped around my waist. She eagerly pressed her lips to mine, "I don't care who knows, you're mine and I'm yours",  she mumbled against my lips with a blush. 

"I love you so much", I grinned and as always felt my heart melt when she repeated my words back to me. "My world champion", she kissed my temple as we walked around. 

Our whole team of players as coaches gathered in the centre of the field as everyone was jumping, hugging, crying or screaming. 

We clapped the Dutch team as they walked through to receive their runner up medals before excitedly lining up for our own. My cheeks began to hurt from the amount of smiling but I cheered anyway as Alex went up onto the podium to receive her Golden Boot first as the tournaments top goal scorer with Pinoe earning the Silver Boot. I followed along in the line as we received our winners medals around our necks. 

Alex and Lindsay, our co captains picked up the trophy and bought it to the group, everyone in the stadium erupting into cheers when we lifted it as fireworks and pyros all went off behind us. 

We changed into new champion edition shirts with an added star on the crest as everyone celebrated on the field. Alex, Kelley and I all walked around singing and talking, all clad in our stars and stripes flags.

"You guys should totally recreate your kiss", Kelley gushed as she pulled off her flag and draped it over our heads without warning.

"Hi", Alex smiled up at me shyly as we were enclosed in our little bubble now. "Hi", I replied with a grin before eagerly pressing our lips together, we pulled away with a smile as we heard the coos and cheers from our team mates that now suddenly surrounded us. I leaned into to kiss her once more but this time everyone saw as Kelley pulled away the flag without warning. "Whoops", she smirked as she tied it around her waist once more.

We all moved to sit on and around the empty podium in the piles of shiny confetti. Alex and I sat on the white steps as we stopped to take everything in for a second. She breathed out happily as she leaned her head against my chest and I wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to me.

"How's the ankle?", she asked as she looked down at my slightly swollen joint. 

"I'll ice it later, I think it'll be fine"

"Just...please be careful baby", she replied with a slightly concerned tone.

"It'll be fine Alex, don't worry", I reassured her with a smile.

"It's just...that's always been your problem ankle and the way you were hobbling earlier..."

"Seriously Alex it'll be fine", I laughed lightly, "We just won the World Cup and you're sat here worrying about my foot. Cmon let's go in, I imagine the locker room celebrations will be starting soon and I can't wait to finally have a drink after a month", I smiled as I pulled her to her feet.

We were split apart when Allie and Rose dragged Alex away whilst I went to sign some shirts and posters for the travelling US fans, half of which burst into tears as they saw me approaching. Kelley and Abby both joined either side of me as we all signed shirts, papers, limbs and took what felt like a million trophies.

I instructed for the trophy to be bought over to us and we all took pictures with it in front of the excited fans, even letting a few of them reach out to touch it.

We walked back inside eventually where the locker room celebrations had officially begun. The first thing I saw as I walked in was Alex twerking whilst Allie filmed her. She was slightly tipsy by now and the dancing wasn't great, she turned around and shoved me as I was unable to hold in my laughter. 

I grabbed a big bottle of celebratory champagne and sprayed everyone with a grin, earning a mixture of both laughs and groans. I also soon began drinking and matched Alex's tipsy state as I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, grazing the side of her neck with my teeth whilst she danced against my front. 

We joked around and did some suggestive dancing, as with everything it seemed Allie focused her camera on us and soon everyone joined in. Kelley snorted loudly as Sonnett walked in with a big old camcorder and started going around asking her drunk team mates dumn questions.

"So Y/N/N, time two worl-...two times world champion how do you feel?", she slurred with a grin as I sat down for a second.

"Really fun", I replied with a grin, it made no sense but who could blame me, I was buzzed. "You're so dumb", she laughed before tripping over her own feet and landing flat on her arse. I burst into laughter to the point where I was clutching my aching stomach, and things only got funnier when I toppled off the dressing bench and onto the floor next to her. Kelley approached us with a grin and laid down as well for no reason, making us laugh harder.

I grabbed the nearest bottle of beer and tried to drink it laying down and obviously it spilt all over my chin and neck as a few of our other team mates noticed us on the floor and sat around us with grins. "You fucking idiot", Kelley laughed as she reached over to take the bottle from me before doing the exact same thing herself. "Fuck I forgot we're not sitting", she snorted as she sat up cross legged to take a sip.

Eventually everyone was dragged back out to their families to celebrate and take pictures in the now empty stadium. I grabbed Alex's hand and we stumbled over to our parents who embraced us both and congratulated us, as they all shook their heads slightly in amusement at our drunken states. "We're so proud of you both", her dad spoke and Alex started to get a little emotional, I rubbed her back comfortingly as she looked back at me with slightly sobered watery eyes before wrapping her arms around my neck quickly as she pulled me in for a bone crushing hug. Our parents and her sisters cooed and my mom was quick to pull out a whole ass big professional camera from god knows where as she started snapping pictures of us.

Eventually we re joined our team mates on the grass, everyone laying down on the wet grass and just taking in the moment.

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