Part 44

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Y/N's POV:

"So I reviewed the footage of your injury in the final multiple times, it wasn't good Y/N. And alongside the scan results I've got to say you should not have been allowed to continue walking on your ankle let alone playing, it has only further aggravated your ankle injury over time. I'm afraid we're going to have to put you in a boot with crutches for the time being, and we'll monitor the situation constantly. I'd say it's at least 4 months on the side lines", the doctor told me as my head dropped to my hands.

It was the day after the ticker tape parade, with the ESPYs the very next day. "I've got you babe", Alex whispered comfortingly as she rubbed my back and kissed the side of my head. "Although I could also say I told you so", she slightly smacked my arm with a weak smile.

I sighed as I lifted my head to look back up at the doctor. "Can I do my rehab and recovery in Orlando?", I asked him and he immediately went to typing on his computer. 

"Uhh yeah that can certainly be arranged, I've got a couple of colleagues down at Orlando Health Medical Center who can assist you through the process, with your permission they can still send your scans and results to me for analysis if that's something you'd want", the doctor offered.

"That would be great, thank you", I forced a smile as I intertwined my fingers with Alex.

"Give me a few moments, I'll be back soon with your boot and crutches", he walked out with a sympathetic smile, closing the door behind him gently.

Alex moved her hand to my cheek, stroking gently as she made me look at her. "I know it's not ideal and I feel awful about you not being able to play, but I'm really glad you asked the Orlando thing, we get to spend some time together", she smiled as she squeezed my hand.

"I get a little practice at being your house wife I guess", I grinned.

"Home cooked meals everyday?", she asked excitedly with a blush and I nodded. "We'll get through this I promise", she whispered before gently pressing her lips against mine.  

"So here's the boot as promised", the doctor walked back in. Alex helped me limp over to the patient bed in the corner as he carefully strapped the walking boot on and handed me the crutches, instructing me to practice my walk across the room. I did it perfectly with a grin, "Not your first rodeo huh?", he smiled. He handed Alex a few papers and then we finally got to leave.

"I'm going to miss driving", I groaned as Alex helped me into the passenger seat of my Urus.

"I feel strange no longer being the passenger princess", she turned to me with a smile as she started up my car and began the traffic filled drive back to Kelley's apartment.

I struggled to walk up the stairs of the plane with my boot and crutches and huffed tiredly as I made it to my seat. Alex joined me with a sympathetic smile, reaching out for my hand but I pulled away and turned to look out the window with a sigh. She stroked my arm a couple of times but then turned away as she decided to give me some space.

I slept through half the six hour flight from New York to Los Angeles and awoke with my head leaning on Alex's shoulder whilst I felt her hand stroking my hair back. I sat up slowly and she turned to look at me, "You're okay?", she asked calmly as she paused her movie.

"Yeah, I just hate being injured it makes me feel shit and useless, I'm sorry for being pissy", I admitted lowly with a sigh.

"I hate to say it baby but it's not the last time you'll feel like this, I know it sucks being injured. Just know I'm here through all of it okay, I want to help you when you need it, just ask", she hummed with a smile as I reached over to take her hand in mine.

"So you're nominated for best female athlete huh?", I smiled lazily as I changed the subject. 

"I'm so nervous", she replied honestly with a giddy smile.

"You're definitely winning", I grinned back at her.

"You going to bet on it this time huh?", she shoved me as we both laughed.

Megan kicked our seats from the row behind us, "you guys are cute and all but can you please shut the fuck up I'm trying to sleep", she groaned. I turned around with a frown and splashed some water on her. "You're so fucking dead when I'm awake Y/L/N", she threatened with closed eyes.

I blew a raspberry at her and turned back to face the front. "Real mature", Alex bit back a smile as I shrugged. "Here", she plugged in another set of headphones and handed them to me. "This movie's shit", I complained with a groan but wrapped my arm around her and watched anyway.

"And the ESPY goes to...Alex Morgan".

"Congrats baby", we stood up and she pressed a quick kiss to my lips and high fived Megan and Kelley besides us before making her way up to the stage. I held back the urge to whistle as I watched her long legs stalk up the stairs in her sequined black dress. "God I'm so lucky", I muttered, earning a playful shove and laugh from Kelley who had overheard me. 

We all clapped and cheered loudly as she thanked all her team mates, and I blushed when she singled me out and called me the love of her life, thanking me for the support. Eventually she returned to her seat and pressed a long kiss to my cheek as she leaned into me. I grinned as Megan reached over to hand me a 100 dollar bill with a groan.

"Y/N?", Alex asked, confused.

"I said you would win, she said Sue would win", I grinned as she shoved me playfully, "you asshole, give her money back". I shook my head as I stuffed the bill into my phone case with a grin. "At least you didn't bet against me this time", she smiled with an eye roll.

At the end of the night the USWNT all climbed onto the stage as we won team of the year. I said my part about investing in women's sports as part of the speech and before I knew it the show was over and a dump of blue, red and white confetti was released over the stage. Alex was holding the World Cup trophy but handed it to someone else as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close.

"You want to go out or something after this?", I asked her with a grin.

"I think the team planned something", she told me with a sad smile. "Maybe we can get dinner with them and separate and go for dessert together?", she tried to remedy the situation as she noticed I looked a little down. "Yeah that's good", I pressed a kiss to her head.

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