Chapter 16

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Before the Tag Team Tournament begins, we decide to explore the Hearthome City. There is also a Pokemon Fan Club in this city, and the owner says, "Hello, hello! How, I say, do you do? I am the Pokémon Fan Club Chairman! Indeed, yes I am! When you wish to treat your Pokémon to a treat, what, I say, do you do? If I may say so, and I will, I feed Poffins to my Pokémon! And why, I say, would I do that? Because the giving of Poffins is a way of expressing your love! For example! If I were to give a Sweet Poffin, the Pokémon eating it would become more cute! For example! A Spicy Poffin will add to the coolness of a Pokémon! In such ways I say that Poffins have nothing but goodness for Pokémon! Therefore! I declare this Poffin Case to be a gift from me to you!"

And we all get the Poffin Case, and once we have the case, I say, "Poffins... huh... I remember how my sister Insey loves to make them."

Then we decide to try to make the Poffins. After placing the berries, stirring is the challenge for making those. After we finish making them, Dawn decides to have her Pokemon try hers, but after they taste them, they all don't like it and would rather eat mine.

"Pokemon all have different tastes, just like people have likes and dislikes as well." Tox says. "I think those poffins are good for Glameow or cat Pokemon instead of your Pokemon..."

"You're right..." Dawn says. "But I'm not going to give up!"

We try it again and this time Dawn manages to change another flavor, and this time all of her Pokemon like them. "You found your own recipe." Lillie says with a nod.

After that's done, we head to Amity Square to have some rest, then we also arrive at Bebe's house, and she wants us to raise an Eevee because she's busy. So we get the Eevee from her.

With the things to do done, we go to the Hearthome Tag Battle Tournament. Lillie, Gladion, and Daniel sit this one out while Dawn, Tox, and I enter the Tournament. And as we get our number card, we're trying to find the partner. Mine is Number 15, I found that Dawn and Tox already found their tag team partners, and then I hear a familiar voice.

"Of course, you have to be number 15." Great, it's Paul, and he is my partner. "Of course, I have no choice. You just make sure you don't get in my way."

"Hold on! That's no way to talk to a tag team partner." I say.

Then we also hear the prize being a Soothe Bell, which raises the friendship for a Pokemon. I think giving it to Buneary is a good choice because Buneary evolves with high friendship.

We watch Dawn and her creepy partner Conway win their match, and Paul's Chimchar's Flamethrower almost hit me. "Hey! What was that for?"

"Give Chimchar your suggestions." Paul says.

"Chimchar, you've been working on your Flamethrower, haven't you?" Chimchar nods, and Paul says, "A weak Flamethrower from a weak flame. Even though you have no control over it at all."

Chimchar just lowers his head, I say, "I think your Flamethrower is great. Why don't you let us help you out?"

"Sorry, but we don't need your help." Paul says.

"This is a Tag Team Battle and we have to help each other out!" I say back.

"It's all about you again, isn't it?" Paul asks.

"Sounds like you have forgotten the purpose of this competition. Back to the matter both trainers and Pokemon have to think about each other in a Tag Battle. That is what Cynthia said." Dawn says.

"When every life meets another life, something will be born. So, Chimchar, let's go now." Paul says.

I ask, "Then why did you enter this competition in the first place?"

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