Chapter 39 - Dreams Views

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"What do you mean- not giving into instinct?" Wilbur asked obviously confused.

"It doesn't matter right now!" Dream complained throwing up again. If he kept at this, he was going to pass out.

"Dream you need to stop throwing up" Puffy begged.

"If everyone would just lay off me and leave me alone, I will be fine!" Dream explained anger evident in his voice, "I just spilled one of my fucking biggest secrets to avoid this and none of you have taken the hint!".

Everyone looked at each other. They knew Dream had trauma but they didn't realise how much it was. Giving in to Dream wishes, they all left the room and went back to the living room. 

Dream hovered over the sink for another 10 minutes. He obviously felt dizzy but he got through. He cleaned up his puke from the sink slowly, being low on energy.

The smell was rank, quite frankly he didn't know how there was so much in his stomach. He'd been eating so poorly for a while he was surprised anything came out of him. He finished up cleaning the sink when he walked over to the bottom step of the staircase.

At that moment Shlatt had came home from work.

"Oh hey Dream... where are the other?" Shlatt asked scared at how quite the house was.

"Probably all crying in the living room" Dream said dead seriously before walking up the stairs. All he heard was Shlatt throw his shoes off and swiftly shuffle to the living room.

Dream was walking down the hallway to his room when the sudden wave of a headache came rolling through his mind. The dizziness started. Dream did not want to deal with new memories right now. He didn't think he'd survive another load, especially after the mess he had gone through.

He willed himself to not pass out. Getting to his room and closing the door. He leaned against it and slid down to the floor breathing heavily.

Just breath Dream, Just Breath.

He felt so tired, but he knew as soon as he'd black out he'd go back to a place he didn't want to go. He was hearing talking downstairs, but he didn't care, he hoped it meant they'd just leave him alone. Phil just had to spill his refusal of instincts.

Dreams mind was everywhere but a good place. Countless deep breaths were made. Many tears were forced back into his eyes. Everything was a mess, everything was so misshapen and his brain couldn't puzzle together his actions to his reasonings.

He rejected his instincts because that's what the pricks want. He didn't feel like he fit in by following his instincts. He didn't feel safe. He didn't want to be an Omega.

He tells nobody because he knows they will only stop him. He has past trauma that makes it extremely difficult to do so. He knows it will lead to so many challenges.

By staying quite, he felt stronger, even if some days he'd wish he'd be normal.

He was so lost in his head when he heard a knock on his door.

"Dream?" Foolish's voice asked nervously.

"No... just no" Dream whispered.

"I have your book... you left it in the kitchen... I also grabbed the second one for you..." Foolish answered.

Dream didn't want to answer in that moment. He opened his door slightly and stuck his hand out. He grabbed his current book he was reading and slipped it into his room. He went to grab the next book bit Foolish stopped him from doing so.

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