Pt33: Somethings on way

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So, too long, wait ....
Is over people here. I am writing part 33. Maybe I would wind up this story soon anytime but eventually can exceed cause things take time, especially the things close to my heart.

And yes, this story is too close to my heart . Cause the characters ( good ones) depict the image of my close people, I hope you won't defame it .

Also, I am writing a story with all my feelings immerse. This is the perfect one I've ever crafted on my own. Plz do vote and share this.
Cause it takes efforts to write.

Also, I'm so very thankful for 1k reads.
More to go, Shariq-e-Qurbat.
Inshaallah, soon we'll reach the decided goal.

Till then, thanks people , let's dive back to your story

Happiest reading 📚 💖 💕

Sameer's Pov

I watched Mehak carefully, noticing her flushed cheeks and the subtle quivering of her lower lip. I could sense her excitement, but at the same time, I knew she was feeling apprehensive and even slightly anxious.

"Meer, I just want to let you know that I'm feeling really emotional right now," Mehak whispered, her eyes brimming with tears. "I'm really scared that this won't be enough for you. That I won't be able to satisfy you the way you deserve."

As much as I wanted to assure her that she was wrong and that her efforts were more than enough for me, I also knew that I needed to approach this situation differently. Instead of focusing solely on my own desires and needs, I needed to think about how I could help her feel more confident and comfortable in our relationship.

So, I decided to approach the situation in a different way. Instead of diving right into intimacy, I gently took Mehak's hand and led her to the sofa in the corner of the room. We sat down, and I carefully pulled her into my arms, hugging her tightly.

"Jaana, you don't have to worry about that," I whispered into her ear. "You know how much I love and care for you, right? The last thing I want is for you to feel inadequate or uncomfortable. If you need me to stop at any point, please just tell me."

Mehak sniffled, her voice shaking slightly as she replied, "I know, and I'm really grateful for your understanding. It's just...well, you're so passionate and enthusiastic, and I feel like I'm always falling short."

I chuckled softly and kissed the top of her head. "Jaana, there's no such thing as falling short in our relationship. You're the most incredible woman I've ever met, and I'm lucky to have you in my life. The truth is, I don't know how I would have managed to make you feel satisfied and content in the past, but I'm committed to doing whatever it takes to make sure you do. And I promise, if there's something I need to learn or do differently, I'll be more than happy to listen and adapt."

Mehak's body tensed slightly, but she relaxed into my embrace as I continued to stroke her back soothingly. "Thank you, meer," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "You have no idea how much your words mean to me. It's really important to me that you feel loved and cherished, and I'll do everything I can to make sure that happens."

I nodded, feeling a sudden wave of gratitude and appreciation for my wife. I leaned in and tenderly kissed her, hoping that the passion and intimacy of our moment could help her feel more at ease and confident in our relationship.

As we continued to embrace, I could feel the tension and anxiety in Mehak's body gradually dissipating. In that moment, I realized that love and connection are truly what matter most, and that as long as we continued to prioritize and nurture those aspects of our relationship, we would be able to overcome any challenges and continue to grow and flourish together.

Author's Pov

The morning fell, making the birds chirp a shy melody .
Sameer smiled as he looked back on that tender moment, the memories of last night and his wife's emotional response to his words warming his heart. He knew that they had a long way to go and that their journey would be filled with ups and downs, but with each step forward, he was confident that they were moving in the right direction.

As the sun began to rise and the sky outside turned a beautiful shade of pink, Sameer and Mehak slowly pulled away from each other as Mehak drifted to sleep , his eyes locked in a tender gaze
The emotions that had been exchanged during their heartfelt conversation had left them both feeling more connected and in love than ever before.

But as said, no good time lasts for a longer period when you have predators all along your existence .
To add more on burdens, Sameer's phone pinged with a notification,  but what blurred his eyes was the mail that had been drafted on his device

His eyes that were glancing his life with love filled were now replacing with remorse , hurt , anger, and whatnot.
It's like when your soul is drifting away by your own life unwillingly.

Though his heart wasn't ready to accept this but the scene and voices were showing a different image, and without a word, he wore his clothes and left the mansion.

To be honest, we can't blame him cause eventually a person in anger can go to any extent. It's better if he leaves for a while rather than hurting one.

The chap ends here .

Thanks for reading 📚 😀

Well, here on the chapters will give you guys lots of broken frames so tissues need peeps
I'm so sorry for the short update.
So see you soon, till then run your heads with all possibilities that are occurring in their journey.

Bye-bye, people chapter will be out soon

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