Pt47: A New World 🌎

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Okay okay guys lemme cry as this is the end.
The story isn't ending, but this journey of love is .
Though there are stories yet to come where you'll meet the glimpse of this lovely couple.

An important thing to note is that soon we're gonna start a new book that is my next book, " The Tormentor and The Healer," also this book begins on 26th Feb 2024 so guys please give this book a lots of love too .

And those people who have been in my this journey a heartfelt thanks.
Please keep supporting me.
I hope to write and continue it well.p
Also, this story has no epilog. As I said, it'll continue with other character's stories ahead.

Also, thanks for being so patient to even read this. So let's ahead cause enough rantings now.

Happy reading. 😊

Author's Pov.

Another night where
In the dead of night, when the world was quiet and still, Mehak jolted awake with an urgent craving that could not be ignored. With a mischievous grin, she nudged Sameer, who groggily blinked awake, confused by the interruption to his peaceful slumber.

"meer, wake up!" Mehak whispered urgently, her eyes wide with excitement.

Sameer rubbed his eyes, struggling to comprehend the situation. "What's going on, Jaana? Is everything okay?"

Mehak's stomach growled loudly, punctuating her words with a comical rumble. "I need ice cream and pickles, Meer. Right now!"

Sameer blinked in disbelief. "Ice cream and pickles? At this hour?"

Mehak nodded fervently, her expression pleading and the puppy eyes that Sameer couldn't resist. "Yes, meer! It's a pregnancy craving, and it's urgent! And the babies need it. "

Before Sameer could protest further, Mehak's voice echoed down the hallway, waking up his siblings who stumbled into the room, still half-asleep and utterly bemused.

Abeer, the eldest sibling, rubbed his eyes in confusion. "What's going on, bhaabhijaan? Why are we awake? Is everything alright?"

Mehak had explained her craving with a mix of excitement and embarrassment, eliciting laughter from the sleepy siblings.

"Ice cream and pickles? That's the weirdest craving I've ever heard bhaabhijaan!" Nabeer exclaimed, stifling a yawn.

Rabia, always the peacemaker, chimed in with a giggle. "Well, they do say pregnancy cravings can be unpredictable, bhaijaan!"

Tania, the youngest sibling, grinned mischievously. "I vote we make this a midnight adventure! Who's with me?"

The siblings exchanged glances, then erupted into laughter, their tiredness forgotten in the face of Mehak's quirky craving.

With Sameer reluctantly agreeing to embark on the late-night snack run, the siblings huddled together in the kitchen, raiding the pantry for ice cream and pickles while sharing stories and jokes, turning Mehak's pregnancy craving into a midnight bash.

Next day

The morning started like any other, with Mehak and Sameer going about their respective routines. But as Mehak went about her tasks of preparingthe nursery with new clothes and toys for the babies, she felt a sudden gush of liquid, and her heart skipped a beat as she realized her water had broken.

With a sense of urgency, Mehak called her mother in law who was there in no second, and soon tania had called Sameer, who was in the middle of an important meeting at his office. As the news sank in, Sameer's heart raced with a mixture of excitement and nerves. He excused himself from the meeting, his father and brothers Abeer and Nabeer following suit as they rushed to support him.

In the car on the way to the hospital, Sameer's mind raced with thoughts of Mehak and their unborn twins. His father and brothers assured him that everything would be alright, their words offering him a sense of comfort and reassurance in the midst of his anxiety.

Abbujaan: "Everything will be fine, Sameer. Mehak is strong, and so are you."

Abeer: "Yeah, don't worry, bhaijaan. We've got your back."

Nabeer: "We're all here for you, bhaijaan. We'll get through this together."

Sameer's Pov

Upon reaching the hospital, I rushed to Jaana's side, my heart pounding with anticipation and fear.

"I'm here, Jaana. Everything's going to be okay."

Her face contorted with pain as another contraction hit, and I squeezed her hand tightly, offering her words of encouragement and comfort.

"You're doing great, love. Just breathe, and remember, I love you."

She nodded through her tears, finding strength in my unwavering support.

"I love you too, meer. Thank you for being here with me."

She said, "meer, I... I don't know if I can do this. It hurts so much."

My eyes were already filled up with the pain she was going through, but I was keeping it for her.

"You can do this, Jaana. I believe in you. Just focus on your breathing and take it one contraction at a time."

Her eyes were shedding, and she was swearting.

Squeezing her hand reassuringly, i said, "I'm right here, begum. You're not alone. We're in this together."


"Alright, Mehak, the next contraction is coming. I need you to push as hard as you can." I heard the stupid doctor say

"Okay, I'll try." I heard her painful voice

"You've got this, begum. I'm so proud of you."
I said.

As I heard the most beautiful cry ever, it was the first cry of my baby, our babies hers and mine.

"It's a boy Sameer", I heard the doctor.
"Our Prince Meer," she muttered, breathing heavily, to which I nodded, smiling.

My eyes filled as a tear slipped off my eyes. I saw her smile with her tired eyes. But wait, where's my girl, my princess.

"I can't do it anymore, meer. It's too much."

Wiping her tears and sweating away, I said, "You're doing amazing, love. Just a little bit more, and our babies will be here."

"I can see the head! One more big push, Mehak!" Snickered Alisha excitedly

She breathed heavily, this time sinking my soul she muttered."I can do this. For our babies."

"I love you, biwijaan. You're so strong."


Doctor: "Congratulations, it's a girl!"

I was way more than overwhelmed with emotion. "She's beautiful, Jaana. Our princess."

"Our family is complete, meer. I love you." I heard her as she closed her eyes, panicking me.

"She's exhausted, Sameer bhaijaan. we'll clean the kids and shift her to a normal ward. Please wait." Alisha said, and I nodded, walking out and kissing three heads with a smile and filled up eyes

Soon, she was right in front of my eyes, playing and talking to our kids with our family and friends.
As people left the cabin, it was me and our kids sitting next to her as after I prayed, a thanks Salah for my almighty to keep her and my kids safe with me.

Kissing her head as I adored the little lives we've created. She was my destiny that I had to conquer and live with.
I just ask Him to bless her in my afterlife with me.

"Maheer Sameer Barudgar," I heard her as she kissed our son's head, naming him with the name she had chosen.

"Mahira Sameer Barudgar," I muttered, kissing our daughter's head, naming her with the name I had chosen.

Embracing my little family, this is what my Qurbat is all about. The kind of my Shariq-e-Qurbat, a kind of Sameer's and Mehak's Shariq-e-Qurbat.

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