Pt38: An heated argument

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Hello people, today's day has been a lot of emotional damage for me.
I don't know how the 1.5 years I'll pass without him.
So I'm here writing this part today.
It's late 3.30 am now to ease my head. I'm writing this.

Let's head to the story now

Happy reading 📚 😊

Sameer's Pov

As soon as the phone started ringing, it made me more restless cause it was the time when Shahaan would know the absence of mehak cause it was obvious because of not receiving his calls, which she never did.

Trust me, sometimes I feel so jealous of this man, though he is the brother. My woman always prioritizes him above me, as even if he calls her at 3 a.m., she'll pick up his call!

Uh, what am I speaking the heck.

" I want you to come home, now Shahaan." I said and disconnected the call.

I don't know if I'm stupid or what, but this is the only way I could have called him here cause on the phone once I utter things he won't think but hang the phone on my gut face .

I don't know how is she , I don't even know why isn't she here with me, she shouldn't have left me here all alone helpless, she is the one who always corrects my mistakes and tells me what's wrong, but what have I done?

My thoughts went silent with the thud opening of the door that slammed open with a violent looking Shahaan.
No, I can't handle Mehak's brother, but I can handle my best friend, right?
He is too much protective of her, and why won't he ?

He has always been a father figure more than a brother figure to her.
My words stuck in my throat as he barged in and held my collar, throwing his fist right on my jaw.

Shahaan: Sameer, why the hell didn't you tell me that Mehak's been missing for over a week?

He came to know this, surely abbujaan has said him cause Shahaan will ask the reason to everyone when I call him at home. Each time he does this.

"Shahaan, I... I didn't want to burden you. We're handling it, trying to find her."

I said, trying to balance myself with his hard punch he threw at me.

Shahaan:" Burden me? She's my sister, my little kid, and you kept this from me? What kind of husband are you?"

"Look, Shahaan, we're doing everything we can to find her. I didn't want to worry you unnecessarily."

I said, trying to ease the situation, though I know it won't help me nor me.

Shahaan: Worry me? She's missing, and you thought I wouldn't want to know? We're supposed to be best friends! She is my sister damn it bastard!

"Shahaan, calm down. We didn't want to cause panic. We're working with the authorities."

I said, trying to be subtle with him, cause I understand I've fueled something idiotic in him, but he will kill me sure.

Shahaan: Working with the authorities? Do you think that's enough? She's my sister, and you think I can just stay calm knowing she's missing?

"Shahaan, I didn't handle it right, but we're doing everything we can. I thought we could manage it within the family."

I said cause both of us know how wild the outer world is and how crucial it is for my jaana.

Shahaan "Family? Sameer, we're more than family! We're best friends, and you kept something this huge from me."

"Shahaan, I messed up. I should've told you, and I'm sorry, but right now, we need to focus on finding Mehak."

Shahaan "Finding her is the priority, but don't think this changes anything between us. You should've trusted me enough to tell me about my own sister!"

He said with utmost hurt and anger visible in his voice.

I handed the letter to him, and he was just fisting his knuckles with his red eyes. I know he is planning my funeral. I'm ready to die, but after finding my jaana safe. Cause I know I deserve this.

"Shahaan, I need to be honest with you. In the heat of the argument last week, I said some terrible things. I even called Mehak an orphan, and I can't forgive myself for that."

I confessed with my eyes numb cause I couldn't believe the pathetic side of mine that showed up in between of me and my Jaana.

Shahaan: (his jaws clenched) "What? You called my sister an orphan? Are you out of your mind, Sameer?
I never could think this! How could you hurt her this way !"

"Shahaan, I was angry, and I let my emotions get the best of me. I didn't mean it, and I'm truly sorry. "

Shahaan: (raising his voice) "Sorry? You insulted my sister, your own wife, and now you're just sorry? You hurt her, called her things that she gets stressed on."

"Shahaan, please, I know I messed up, but let's focus on finding Mehak now."

Shahaan (shouting) "No, Sameer! You don't just get away with insulting my family like that. What kind of husband are you? Do you think I'll let you hinder around my baby again? Stay in dreams then, cause she was happy with you, I thought, but you couldn't even keep her that way nor even trust her, and you claim to love her ?! "

"I can't justify my words, but I'm asking for your understanding. We need to find Mehak together."

Shahaan (pacing angrily) "Together? I can't believe you said those things. Mehak deserves better than this!"

"Shahaan, I love Mehak. I know I hurt her with my words, but we can work through this."

I said cause I knew I've made a huge sin. Rather, I'll consider this as my biggest crime to hurt her. But I promise to mend this with her , with the help of her.

Shahaan (pointing angrily) "Work through this? You need to fix yourself, Sameer. I won't forgive you for this!"

"Shahaan, I'm ready to face the consequences of my words, but please, let's find Mehak first. We can sort out our issues later."

I said cause I knew he was right.

Shahaan (angry tears in his eyes) "You've crossed a line, Sameer. Don't think this will be forgotten easily."

He said with utter hurt in him cause I've failed him as a good brother as a good best friend .

With a jerk, he left me. Fisting the letter and Jaana's cell, he left.
Banging the door with hatred of his mind.
He left me , and she did, too .
And again, I was left behind all alone.

My eyes filled up as her absence was eating me alive.
Nothing feels better to me, but her arms do.
Please come back home to me.
I love you. Please be home.
I promise to be away. I promise to not even let my shadows linger around you, but I'd glance you with the distance, making sure you are fine under my gaze.

A rush of pain hitted my head, surrounding me with black holes.
Shaking the earth beneath me, and it was dark, but she wasn't here to save me .

Thanks for reading 📚 😀

That's it for today .
Do hit the Star button, guys.
Love you

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