Pt39: A lot to ask and answer

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Authors Pov

Shahaan entered the house with a heavy heart, clutching Mehak's phone and a letter in his hand. Shafaq, sensing his distress, rushed to him.

Shafaq: Shahaan, what happened? Why do you look so upset?

Shahaan: (voice breaking) Shafaq, sit down. We need to talk.

Shafaq sat down, concern written all over her face as Shahaan handed her Mehak's phone and the letter. Shafaq's eyes widened in realization.

Shafaq: (softly) Is this Mehak's phone? What's going on?

Shahaan: (choked up with tears and his voice breaking) She's been missing for over a week, Shafaq. I just found these near Sameer's place.

Shafaq gasped, covering her mouth with her hands, her eyes welling up with tears.

Shafaq: Missing? But why didn't Sameer inform us?

Shahaan: (angry and emotional) Sameer knew, Shafaq. He kept it from us, thinking he could handle it within the family. And there's something else.

Shafaq: (confused) What?

Shahaan: (holding back tears) Sameer said some terrible things to Mehak during an argument. I can't believe he kept this from us.

Shafaq: (angry) What kind of a person is he? And what did he say?

Shahaan: (voice trembling) He called Mehak an orphan, among other things. I can't believe he'd say such hurtful things.

Shafaq hugged Shahaan tightly, both of them grappling with the shock and pain of the situation. The weight of Mehak's absence and the harsh words exchanged left a palpable heaviness in the room.

Shafaq: We'll find her, Shahaan. And when we do, Sameer will have a lot to answer for.

Shahaan nodded, tears rolling down his cheeks as the uncertainty and anguish of Mehak's disappearance overwhelmed him.

And why not for him she was his little world. A little daughter he has bought up with his values and ethics.

Meanwhile, at the other side of the world .

Mehak's Pov

After the azaan for fajr, I prayed.
I'm hoping for the almighty to grant me a way .
Lead me as I was the lost traveler here.
Seeking that maybe He will guide my Meer on the right track.

No matter how hurt I was or I am , he's the only one I've been like.
The distance does hurt me, but what hurts more is the words his words.
I wanted nothing but him his trust.
And it is more heartbreaking that I'm carrying our baby without Him being aware of us.

Am I wrong to keep him in the dark for this?

Am I wrong to hide this?

No, right?

He needs to mend what he did.
But what if he doesn't.
What about our baby? What about me.
No, I can't think this.

My thoughts came to a hault when Adeeba called.
And to not worry everyone for me, I decided to pick her call up, adding Riba and Shafaq Baaji on call.
Alisha wasn't needed cause she was here when she heard her cell phone ringing.

I hesitated for a moment before initiating the video call, feeling a mix of anxiety and anticipation. Alisha sat beside me, offering silent support as I connected with Riba, Adeeba, and Shafaq Baaji.

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