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Dear Diary,

Today was a boring day. Daddy and I didn't do anything fun. I read a lot of my books, and laugh about some funny things in them. I don't have a favorite book. They are all good. Daddy wasn't in a good mood today. I wonder why. He didn't come into my room to wake me up like he normally does. Instead of pancakes, I got cereal. I love pancakes. They are so fluffy. Daddy makes the best pancakes. I asked him why he was mad, but he didn't answer. I love him a lot and I want to make sure he is okay. He was talking to Mommy today. I didn't get to speak to her. Daddy was yelling at Mommy. It was really scary. Mommy was crying. I saw a small bit of Daddy's screen. I couldn't understand what Daddy was saying, but he was mad. I wonder if Mommy is okay. Mommy loves her job and takes every opportunity to work. It makes me sad that she's sad. Daddy didn't teach me today. It was a Tuesday. Am I ahead of all the work? I've been working hard and on the weekends. I wonder why. I don't have much to say today. I know Mommy has to renew something soon, but I don't know what. Is that what Daddy was yelling at Mommy about? Maybe. I'm going to sleep, maybe he will be in a better mood tomorrow.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now