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Dear Diary,

Daddy left early today. I don't know where he went. Mommy came to my room to wake me up. We did a lot of studying. She says I'm behind on my work, so we did a lot today. I thought I was ahead. We still had fun doing the work. She helped me more than Daddy did. Mommy took me with her to the store for food. Daddy never did that with me. I don't know why the change happened, but it did. Daddy went to work today. Did he get a new job? Mommy took me to the pool after we finished my schoolwork. It was fun. We played in the pools but in the shade. I didn't mind. I didn't want to wear sunscreen anyway. Mommy and I splashed around a lot until it was time to meet up with Daddy to get dinner. Dinner was uneventful. He was a lot calmer. We didn't talk much during it. I was happy we got to eat together again. I was happy we were all together now. Daddy didn't talk about work, so maybe he didn't go to work, Mommy and I had a day to ourselves, and I am going to bed happy again!

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now