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Dear Diary,
Daddy didn't come to pick me up nor did he text me. I'm scared he doesn't want me anymore. Am I an issue for him? Mark gave me a snack again, but I refused to eat it. I asked if we could pick up some stuffing so I could make a project. Mark agreed and we went to the store. We got a few bags of it because the pillow requires a lot of stuffing. When we got back to his house, he set up a room for me. I got to work on my pillow project. After finishing that, I made a pillowcase for it. Mark liked what I made and asked me to make him a blanket. I made him one and he put it on his bed. I didn't make anything else for the night. I just laid on the couch watching videos on my tablet. Nothing else really happened today. Just one of those uneventful days.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now