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Dear Diary,

Today was a good day. I didn't do much again, but at least it was something. I've been looking up meals that Mark and I can make that'll last a few days. Mark bought me a planner so I can write down everything I want to get done, reminders, and meal preps. It's honestly amazing to me because I love to write out my ideas. I'm still going to write in my notebook for meals I want to make for meal prep. It will be easier for me to do that so we can complete everything at once. I have a lot of ideas. I started writing out the next few weeks. Maybe we can make this a weekly thing to make these meals for us. I texted Mark to see if he had a printer. He does, so I'm going to print out the recipes I want us to make together for the next few weeks. Mark noticed I've been writing a lot and is considering getting me a binder for the recipes. I know I want to plan Thanksgiving a little early, I've found some great seasonal recipes and any that we can make whenever we want. Maybe someday we can make all of these. I want to help Mark plan a big Thanksgiving. We will see about that. I'm going to bed now. I'll write tomorrow.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now