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Dear Diary,

Today was a good day. I did more crafts, but this time it was for things around the house. I made a blanket for the couch, a few pillows, some decorative towels, and so much more. I let Mark know what I was doing and he didn't bug me while I made everything. After I finished, I brought everything to the living room. It took a few trips but it was okay. Mark came out to help. I think he knew I was trying to set up the house in my way. I started setting up the pillows, and Mark followed what I did on the other side. It was fun. After that, I set up the blanket on the couch with the turkey facing the door. I thought it was cute. I set up everything else, but I knew something was missing. I knew what it was and ran back to my room and made a bunch of placemats. It was fun to make them because I put small turkeys on them. They were cute! I hope people like them.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now