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Dear Diary,

I went with Mark to the fair today. I brought all my things for making more crafts because I didn't know if we would need more. I was crafting while he was doing the sales. People liked my designs and watched me make a few projects. I didn't mind because I didn't share my instructions. There were a few things that I didn't do because we weren't low on stock. I took pictures of them before putting them in their bins. Mark took them out and put them under the table before they could be sold. He wanted to sell the older ones first. I knew I was fast at making all of them, but I didn't realize how many I made before looking up and looking at all the projects under the table. I shocked myself with the amount of stuff I made. I wasn't expecting to see so much. Mark assured me it was okay and I was doing my own thing and in my zone. By the time the fair wrapped up for the day, I saw we had a lot and most of it was because of me making so many projects. We went home and Mark ordered dinner. I didn't feel like eating at home because I didn't want to heat things up. Mark got my favorite foods and we are having an early night. It's probably going to be a movie night. I'm going to make my blanket tomorrow. I want one that is just mine. I'm also going to make Luna a blanket. I like to rotate through blankets throughout the seasons and holidays because I don't want to sleep with just one blanket. I like the designs I made and I think I'm going to use previous fabrics to make earlier seasons and holiday blankets and keep them in my closet. Luna has been doing so well and has grown a lot.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now