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Dear Diary,

Today was a long day. I brought Luna home though! She is the best service animal ever. Daddy and I went to a few stores, and we were stopped a lot by employees asking if Luna was a service animal and what tasks she performed. Sometimes I would get anxious because they would ask us to prove what she does. Luckily, Daddy knew the laws and stood firm and told them what they could and could not ask. They were mad they couldn't force us to show what she does, but it's fine. Daddy says this will happen a lot and I need to be ready. After we got home and started eating dinner, I fed Luna. She ate her food and went on to continue monitoring me. I moved her bed and blanket closer to my bed. There wasn't much to do today, so it was a do whatever you wanted day.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz