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Dear Diary,

Today was a boring day. I didn't do much. Mark asked me to catch up on my work and I reluctantly agreed. We got through it in a few hours, and he sent it off. We did have to go to the courthouse today, but I spilled everything to the judge. The judge was shocked and asked Mark if it was true. He confirmed it was. He gave me to Mark to be my primary parent and Daddy has no custody of me. Daddy was mad, but I didn't care. I don't think of Mark as my father, but I know he is going to be for a while. Daddy has to take parenting classes, so that is something. Mommy didn't show up today. I think she had to work. Oh well. I didn't want to see her. Mark is nicer than Daddy was. Mark and I went to a restaurant. I didn't mind because I knew he wanted me to be happy and wanted to see me smiling again.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum