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Dear Diary,

Today was a boring day. Daddy dropped me off with his friend, and we went shopping for my clothes. Daddy called and said the judge wanted me there. We got what we could, and went to the courthouse. Daddy told his friend he could stay in the courtroom and watch if he'd like. The friend wanted to stay because he wanted to watch it unfold. Daddy told me they had a secret route for me and to follow his lawyer. I followed him and we went down a secret path. The judge was waiting for me and had chocolates and fruit snacks for me again. I thanked him. It was really nice that he did this. The judge asked who I wanted to live with and I said Daddy. Our situation may not be the best at the moment, but I didn't want to be with Mommy. He asked what I meant. I told him we are in a hotel but Daddy is working on getting us an apartment. The judge was surprised. He had no idea what was going on there. Daddy let Mommy keep the house because he didn't want me to remember what was going on. The judge asked me what happened when I met Mommy. I started telling him and breaking down. The lawyer was there and asked the judge if he could try to calm me down. He agreed. I knew this whole thing was being shown in the courtroom. As I got through the story, I told him about the sheriff who was sitting in the courtroom behind everyone. The judge gave Daddy full custody of me and my mom only has supervised visits when I want to see her. Daddy explained everything to me later on in the day. We went back to the mall, and his friend joined us. I got some more clothes for school. I don't want to go to school, but I have to.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now