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Dear Diary,

It's finally October! I'm so excited!! We sold out today, which is common for us. We packed up when we sold out and left early. I didn't want to waste time making things and having it not be bought. We got home and didn't do much. Mark did the same thing he did with the last show. I put it in my smaller bin with the other envelope. I don't know how big it is going to get, but I know if we keep up what we are doing, it will be worth it. Mark asked if I wanted to go out to eat tonight instead of eating in and I got ready. I know there is food in the fridge, but it is worth going out every once in a while. I held up the bin and he said don't worry about bringing the funds. I don't know why he doesn't want to use it but it's fine. I wrote down asking if we should count it. He agreed and we did that when we got home. Mark wrote the total on a notecard. I think that is so we can keep track of how much is there. A couple thousand, so we were doing well. I didn't want to touch it because I wanted to keep growing it. I put it back in the bin and we did our own thing for the night. I watched a movie on the couch. I think I'll watch another one after writing if Mark isn't watching anything.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now