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Dear Diary,

I did some more crafting today. I didn't know what to do so I just did my own thing. Mark's girlfriend came over. I checked the bin that is outside the front door. There were a couple of Tupperware containers, but not a lot. I brought them inside and let Mark know. He responded and said he needed more crafts because he was running low. I had some ready, just not photographed. He asked me to photograph them and bring them down. He let his girlfriend know and we headed out when I was done. It wasn't too hard to do the photos, it just took a bit of time. We got everything into her car and we went down to the fair. After she explained what was going on and they confirmed, they let us in to drop the stuff off. Mark was super grateful that we were there. I didn't know what to do because there were so many people around. After we left and came back to Mark's house, I went back to my room and did my own thing. I only came out to eat but I didn't eat a lot. I think Mark's girlfriend noticed and alerted Mark. He texted me asking if I was okay. I responded by asking why after I confirmed I was okay. He said his girlfriend noticed I didn't eat much. I just said I was uncomfortable. It takes a while to get used to new people. He understood that and appreciated that I let him know. Nothing too crazy happened after that, but I did craft more because I knew he would run out tomorrow if I didn't make more than I made for this show. I'll let you know how tomorrow goes, but this is the end of my day.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now