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Dear Diary,

Today I went back to Daddy's friend's house. The one that is different from Daddy and I. Daddy had to talk to someone today. He said he would be back in a few hours like always. Daddy's friend took me to my appointment but didn't come in with me. The therapist told me she was there to help me and make sure I was okay. We talked the whole appointment and I did cry a few times. She understood what triggered me, so she was going to try to avoid it in the future if she could. She asked if she could let Daddy know what went on during the session and I said yes. I had nothing to hide. She called Daddy and let him know what happened. She said I have some form of PTSD from the way mommy treated me and how everything was before we left home. She wanted to see me again in a week to talk some more. My friend gave the therapist the check Daddy handed to him. I asked why he paid and not Daddy. He told me that the check Daddy handed him was for the therapist. That made a lot of sense. After Daddy picked me up, we talked about what went on during the session. I love my therapist. She seems to know me so well.


Dear Diary,

Daddy had the day off today and we went back to the house. Mommy was there and I started freaking out. Daddy calmed me down and sent me to my room so he could talk to Mommy. Mommy was mad at daddy and couldn't understand why he left with me. He didn't yell at her, but he knew I could hear. I wish I wasn't there. I started freaking out again and Daddy had to bring me to the car. He called one of his work friends, a lady this time. She picked me up and brought me to my favorite fast-food place. I don't know why I've been freaking out recently. It feels weird. My body goes numb. The lady felt bad for me. We went back to her place. She had a few kitties. They were adorable. We watched a movie and I got to pet her kitties. They were so nice. After Daddy came to pick me up, I asked if we could get a kitty. He said when he finds us a place, he'll get me one. I was happy. I would take great care of it.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now