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Dear Diary,

Today was an eventful day. Mark and I went on several walks with Luna, but he grabbed her gear. I was confused, but he put them in his truck. Maybe he has a surprise for me. Sure enough, he did. He took me to a huge fabric store and asked me to get anything I wanted. He got a few things for himself, but he said he wanted to learn from me. I giggled. Nobody cared that I had my service dog with me, I walked around the store and grabbed everything I wanted. Mark ordered shelving and bins so we could pick them up. I was the happiest I've been in a while. Once we got everything we wanted, we went to the store he ordered from and we got the stuff. He forgot to order dog food for Luna so we had to go in to get that. Daddy messaged me on my tablet, and the message scared me. I showed Mark, and he immediately comforted me and assured me that nobody would hurt me. I feel safe with Mark, he has been there for me for a while.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now