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Dear Diary,

I put in an order for the food and for some baking stuff. Mark knew I would get more baking stuff. After the order got here, I put everything away and started baking. Mark let me do my thing and his fiance wanted to talk to him alone. I knew what it was about and I didn't care. I didn't want to talk about it. It took me a few hours to bake, but I finished it. I didn't care about what Mark did with the ingredients. He and his girlfriend cooked the meals and passed them out to the homeless people. I knew they would and I didn't mind. I went back to sewing and I didn't want to do anything else. Mark's fiance came into my room and put some of the meals in my mini fridge. I don't know if she did this because Mark told her to or because she wanted to. I continued crafting like she wasn't there. I didn't do much else.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now