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Dear Diary,

Today was an okay day. I made what I planned to make and found more bins outside my room. Mark wrote a note and now I know he's been reading you. It's hard. It makes you lose trust in someone. It broke my trust in him, but I know he is trying his best. It's hard to know someone is reading what you write in private. I put the completed crafts in the bins and wrote a note back about what I talked about. I don't know how much he read, but I knew it was enough for him to know a lot. I knew he wanted to know what was going on, but I didn't want to talk about it or text about it. Too much has happened in such a short amount of time. I'll come around at some point, but right now is not the time. I'm going to keep crafting. Maybe Mark will do a few shows on his own.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now