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Dear Diary,

Today we didn't do too much. Mark asked if I wanted to make some projects that I wanted to sell because he had a surprise for me. I was excited because there were so many things I wanted to make. I made a few blankets for beds, a few pet blankets, bookmarks, and so much more. I always want to make something, but there are times when I don't want to do anything. We packed the stuff into bins. I didn't know why, but he said we were going somewhere tomorrow. I think he wants to take me to a craft fair, but I don't know. We ate the meals we had planned. We had more than we were expecting to make, so we made it into multiple weeks of food. We don't have to meal prep for a while! I think I like making meals so we don't have to stress out about what we want to eat. We can just go into the fridge and get what we want. If the food gets eaten, it gets eaten. There are some things that are going to take longer to finish than others, but that's okay!

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now