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Dear Diary,

I did more designs today and did some photos at the end. I may make a slide show of my pictures so I can organize them by what they are. It seems like a better idea than having to search for them. Mark and I went to the store and got everything we needed. I needed some things I thought I wouldn't need, but I did. I didn't realize I was running low on so many things. I needed more needles for my sewing machine because a few of them broke. I've been putting them in an empty medication bottle. It keeps them in one spot and is easy to store. There are some things that I didn't do, like cooking. I gave Mark the recipes I wanted to make and he had to run to the store to get more supplies because we thought we had enough. It was funny. I was looking at some winter stuff and made my own blanket design. It was fun to make my own design for a blanket. I'll see if I can make some pillows like the design. I have an idea for them, but I don't want to do anything until the winter season. It will be fun to make them, but I think I'll stick to fall right now. I'll still bring my supplies just in case I do need to make more, but I think I have enough designs for right now. Mark joked about having to rent a truck for the bins because I prepared triple the amount since last time. I laughed about it with him. He is funny. We got everything into the car when it was done. I think I'll have a big day tomorrow. I don't mind all the craft shows because it makes me smile. I love what I make and will always have them in a picture. I hope I don't need to make more for the craft fair again because that was a lot of work last time.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now