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Dear Diary,

Today was a day of planning, crafting, and eating. There was nothing to do, so I just did my own thing. After planning meals, I played games on my computer and did my own thing. I tried to design my characters, but there was nothing for me to do there because I'm not that creative. After I stopped designing my characters, I looked at more crafting ideas. I want to create more things but don't know where to start. We put the funds into the box we have because we forgot to do that earlier. I found a few designs, but something was telling me not to make them just yet. I'm still doing Halloween designs, but I know they won't sell, which is fine. I think I'm going to make some turkey blankets soon. I need to make Thanksgiving designs. I'll think about it, but I know we need to buy some candy soon for the trick-or-treaters.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now