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Dear Diary,

Today was a good day at the fair. I don't know what I'm going to do when it is over. I did have to order some more fabrics because I was running low. I got them from the delivery person and brought them back to the booth. I did my own thing for a while and before I knew it, the crafts had accumulated again. I sat there in shock. Mark laughed and said it was okay. I started working on Luna's blanket before someone came over. I recognized the voice and panic instantly set in. Mark rushed to my aid after putting everything under the tables. Luna knew right away before I started to have a panic attack. Mark remembered the protection order. I forget if I talked about that. He pulled it out and asked the employees running the fair to call the police because Mommy isn't supposed to have any contact with or be able to see us in public. I didn't know how I calmed down, but I did. I think seeing Mommy getting hauled away helped me calm down. I appreciate Mark and Luna for being there for me. There is always someone there for me during those challenging times. I finished Luna's blanket and started working on mine when we got home. I knew I needed more fabric and I only got the ones I needed.

The Diary Of Ocean: The Year 2010Where stories live. Discover now