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Article by: Momoi Satsuki.

(Head of reporting club)


Teiko middle school. A school at the heart of Tokyo and assumed to be like any other normal school with its excellent academic streak and thriving clubs. But even here there a lot of secrets which are hidden behind the façade of normal life. Unsolved mysteries. Questions for which no answer has risen as of yet. A few of many have been listed below. Read and if you are lucky, someday the answers to these puzzles might stumble onto your path.

Where's my corpse?:

This was a new urban legend. Something which arose about two years ago. The park close to our school is seemingly haunted by a pale little boy. A group of people touring the park happened to cross his path. They were confronted with a rather singular question.

'Have you seen my corpse?'

The people claimed that they hadn't got a proper look at his face. Apparently they didn't linger long enough.

'.... He had very pale hair. His eyes reflected the lamp's light so I didn't get any idea about their colour. Besides, who would stick around that long!' - Anon.

'He just sprang up on us! We had no idea he was there until he asked us where his corpse was. Just imagine.... I had no idea what to do! My feet seemed to be frozen to the ground. I felt like I couldn't move. The next thing I realized was that I was screaming.'- Anon.

With such gruesome firsthand accounts, the little boy's ghost takes first place on our list.

Blondes watch out!:

This is a more recent phenomenon. A few of our correspondents claimed that people who are blonde are under a curse temporarily.

'It's the 'kurokami onna'. She is a girl who wanted to be blonde but had black hair instead. So she's laid a sort of curse on the blondes. Don't ask me why this just cropped up. The curse might have been inactive all these years or something. What I do know is that a few blondes I know are having really bad luck. Someone told me that there was a way to suppress the curse for a few more years but I'm not sure about it. Anyway, I'm thankful that I'm not blonde." – Yukiteru (Third year).

(A/N: Kurokami onna – Black haired lady.)

On a side note, Yukiteru wishes to urge at least one of the blondes out there to contact Midorima Shintaro (Third year) and approach him for the 'cure'.

The authenticity of this curse is yet to be verified. On hearing the story, we have had a few comments contradicting it.

'That's bull sh*t, Satsuki. Seriously don't you have anything else to do.' – Aomine Daiki (Third year).

Anyway, let's keep our fingers crossed and pray that everyone will be safe.

Wailing banshee of the noon tide:

This is a very recent myth that has sprung up in the corridors of Teiko. The stairs near the gymnasium were reportedly visited by a banshee yesterday.

'It was horrible! That scream just echoed through my ear! I don't even want to talk about it! I might get cursed.' – Anon.

'It just rooted me to the spot. It was a scream of utter torment.' – Anon.

The witnesses who heard the scream are a bit reluctant to come forward for fear of being cursed. More data is yet to come our way on this regard.


"What do you think?" said Sora and Satsuki together. Akira looked up from her issue of 'The Teiko herald'.

"I'm still processing what I just read." said Akira diplomatically.

"I think it came out quite well." said Sora.

"Not bad at all!" said Yukiji with a laugh. "At least it's not the most boring article I've read. This is way better than health facts." All of them took a moment to blanch at the mention of 'health facts'. Aomine and Midorima entered the classroom.

"You quoted me!" said Aomine in a pleased tone.

"Seriously! Why are you even happy? That's not even a proper account." said Akira.

"Spoil sport."

Midorima adjusted his glasses. "Curse Yukiteru. My class.... My haven has been invaded by an army of blondes who want 'curse cures'. What do they think of me? I have a good mind to really bring down a curse on them."

"There's no such thing, Midorima-kun." said Sora.

"You never know." said Midorima wisely.

"Oh... There's something fishy about this article." said Akira scanning the paper. "How were you able to get info from those people? You know, about Kuroko-kun."

Sora grinned. "What the ear can't hear, the mind conjures."

"Meaning?" said Aomine.

"You just made it up, didn't you?" demanded Akira.

"Most of that stuff is made up anyway." said Sora nonchalantly.

"You guys just made Kuroko-kun an urban legend!" said Yukiji laughing.

"Not everyone can have the honour of being friends with a ghost." said Sora.

"Now he really is a 'phantom'." quipped Aomine.

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